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HKBHA Academy

HKBHA 邁向 24 週年,繼續伴您一起成長,與您一起進步,攜手共創美好未來
學員 Lam Wai Fun 憑 CIBTAC Level 4 Diploma in Salon Management &
CIBTAC Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training
全港唯一入選英國 BABTAC & CIBTAC Award 2022
被評選為全球優秀學員 5 強之一
CIBTAC Student Semi-Finalist

學員 Chow Kam Tung Christy 憑 BTEC Level 5 Award in Management and Leadership,
獲 PEARSON BTEC 頒授「傑出學員獎項」,獲 PEARSON 北亞及大中華區總監親自頒發嘉許狀,
學員 Leung Hoi Lun Helen 憑 CIBTAC Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training
榮獲 CIBTAC Student of the Year Finalist 2019 全球優秀學員獎項
學員 Cheng Pui Yee 及 Li Lok Wan Emily 憑 BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Hair and Beauty Management,
Tang Shuk Ying 憑 BTEC Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training 獲 PEARSON BTEC 頒授「傑出學員獎項」,
獲 PEARSON 北亞及大中華區總監親自頒發嘉許狀,以表揚學員卓越之表現。

學員 Carina Tang, Tsang Chi Ying 憑 BTEC Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training 頒授傑出學員獎項,
獲 PEARSON 北亞及大中華區總監親自頒發嘉許狀,以表揚學員卓越之表現。
學員憑 CIBTAC Level 4 Diploma in Salon Management
榮獲 CIBTAC Student of the Year Finalist 2017 全球優秀學員獎項
Michelle Lee 代接受嘉許
