HKBHA Academy
HKBHA 邁向 23 週年,繼續伴您一起成長,與您一起進步,攜手共創美好未來
教育及培訓 (三+四+五級)文憑/證書/資格課程
ITEC Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training
BTEC/CIBTAC/ITEC Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training
BTEC/CIBTAC/ITEC/TQUK Level 3 Certificate in Education and Training
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
The ITEC Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training will provide you with the knowledge,understanding and skills to teach and develop a range of personal qualities and attributes required for teaching, assessing and supporting
You will learn about wider professiona practice, theories, principles and models in education as well as teaching, learning and assessment in education.
During your course you will also have the opportunity to learn including inclusive practice, teaching in a specialist area and developing, using and organising resouces in a specialist area.
Course Structure 課程結構
- 課程由 7 個單元組成。 課程以面授形成進行。
Course Syllabus 課程綱要
1. Teaching, learning and assessment in education and training
2. Developing teaching, learning and assessment in education and training
3. Theories, principles and models in education and training
4. Wider professional practice and development in education and training
5. Inclusive practice
6. Teaching in a specialist area
7. Developing, using and organising resources in a specialist are
Entry Requirements 入學要求
- 年滿 25 歲或以上
- 中五或同等或以上學歷
- 已完成教育及培訓四級資格
- 具備三級或以上的任何職業專業資歷
- 能書寫中文
Assignment 作業
Teaching practice 教學實踐
- 4 個 1 小時教學實踐錄影
- 100 小時教學實踐
Grading 等級
- Pass 合格
Graduation Requirements 畢業要求
- 必須達到 80% 的出席率。
- 必須在於指定日期完成並遞交所有作業並達到合格要求。
- 所有作業文檔及評核證據必須同時通過合資格的校內評審員和校內質素保證員審核後,再遞交外部評審作最後質素保證標準審查。
開課日期 : 12 月 16 日 (逢星期一)
上課時間 : 9:00am - 12:00pm
詳情請 whatsapp 9123 6139
九龍彌敦道 515-517 號好收成商業大廈19字樓全層 Tel 2730 2200