HKBHA Academy
HKBHA 邁向 23 週年,繼續伴您一起成長,與您一起進步,攜手共創美好未來
Comments from Examiners
ITEC Level 4 Diploma in Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Christine Goodwin (June, 2023)
Students were all successful.
Exams well organised and to schedule.
All students are well supported by training staff.
Candidates presented well in uniform. Hair was clean and neat, Sensible shoes and socks worn. Nails were clean and short.
Candidates conducted themselves professionally, maintaining a positive approach. All ensured their clients modesty and assisted them on and off the couch.
Equipment was wiped over before and after use, lids were replaced on products and spatulas were used to remove creams. Waste was disposed of hygienically and appropriately.
Candidates ensured client comfort and tactfully obtained relevant information using a range of questioning techniques.
Work areas were prepared, machines set up and electrical safety checks were made on machines. Consultation and evidence of patch test conducted. Machines were sanitised and tested.
Candidates prepared the area by marking out. Conducting gel applied. Test shot was performed and most maintained good communication with client during the treatment.
Candidates concluded the treatment by removing residue gel and applying soothing cream and sun cream. Advised the client to use cold compress.
Documentation ready for the Examiner.
Practical Examinations and check of QA documentation.
ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Facial Electrical Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Christine Goodwin (June, 2023)
Candidates presented well in professional uniform.. Sensible flat shoes and socks worn. Most hair was neat and nails were short. No jewellery sighted.
Candidates greeted their client and introduce themselves.
Clients were on the bed and candidates ensured the clients comfort and modesty throughout the treatment.
Candidates maintained a positive and professional approach.
Candidates explained the treatment procedure to the client. Ensure candidates are communicating with the clients throughout the treatment.
Candidates cleaned and wiped their hands before, during and after the treatment. Lids were replaced on products and candidates used spatulas to remove creams from jars.
Most Candidates disposed of waste appropriately.
Candidates assessed the areas to be treated. Tools, equipment and products are selected and work area prepared. client and candidate prepared for treatment.
Candidates ensured equipment was on safe surface and Safety checks were carried out on equipment.
Most candidates explained the effects and benefits of the machine and type of current and the way in which the current produced the effects.
Candidates prepared the area correctly and conducted the treatment correctly.
Most candidates had sound knowledge and understanding of the electrical equipment.
Students were all successful.
All students are well supported by training staff.
Exams well organised and to schedule.
Documentation ready for the Examiner.
Practical Examinations and check of QA documentation.
ITEC Level 2 Certificate for Beauty Specialists
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Christine Goodwin (June, 2023)
Candidates presented well in professional uniform. Sensible flat shoes and socks worn. Hair was neat and nails were clean and short. No jewellery sighted.
Candidates introduced themselves and maintained a positive and professional approach throughout the treatment. Client Modesty was ensured and clients were assisted off the coach. Most Candidates explained the treatment and communicated well throughout the treatment.
Candidates sanitised their hands before. The footwear was stowed under the bed. Candidates disposed of waste appropriately and managed the treatment and working environment throughout.
Candidates carried out consultation, discussed the clients requirements and possible contra actions to treatment. Work area was prepared and suitable products were selected to suit the client needs.
Candidates established client preference regarding pressure of the massage at the start of the treatment. Some adapted the pressure to suit the client, the area and movement.
Most candidates maintained good contact with their hands, strokes were applied in the direction of blood flow and most maintained a slow and constant speed.
Movements were performed displaying some flexibility of the hands and wrist.
Most Candidates performed movement using correct techniques, using brisk and light techniques.
Candidates supported and manipulated the joints smoothly through an appropriate range of movements.
Most candidates maintained contact and performed the movements in a continuous, flowing, logical sequence.
Most candidates demonstrated all classical movements.
Candidates informed the client of short term effect of treatment and provided brief immediate aftercare.
Students were all successful.
All students are well supported by training staff.
Exams well organised.
ITEC Level 2 Certificate for Beauty Specialists
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Christine Goodwin (June, 2023)
Candidates presented well in professional uniform.. Sensible flat shoes and socks worn. Most hair was neat and nails were short. No jewellery sighted.
Candidates greeted their client and introduce themselves. Clients were on the bed and candidates ensured the clients comfort and modesty throughout the treatment.
Candidates maintained a positive and professional approach. Candidates explained the treatment procedure to the client. Ensure candidates are communicating with the clients throughout the treatment.
Candidates cleaned and wiped their hands before, during and after the treatment. Lids were replaced on products and candidates used spatulas to remove creams from jars.
Most Candidates disposed of waste appropriately.
Candidates selected cleanser to suit client skin type and removed eye makeup and most removed lipstick efficiently. All performed the double cleanse routine. Skin was toned and most left clean and free from residue. Cleanse was performed in a commercially acceptable time.
Good use of Magnifying lamp by candidates. Candidates recognised the skin type and characteristics and visible imperfections. Most recommendations for home care was covered.
Candidates protected surrounding skin and prepared treatment area. Tint colour was selected. Tint was correct consistency and applied to lashes. Most Tint was removed efficiently and eyelashes had darkened.
Candidates discussed client requirements and measured the brow. Gloves were worn and good stretching of the skin adequately removed the hairs quickly and efficiently. Most clients were comfortable.
Medium was selected and applied appropriately. Most candidates demonstrated effective classical movements for effleurage, petrissage, vibration. Most maintained contact and a constant flowing treatment whilst maintaining client comfort throughout.
Candidates mixed and applied a self made mask, some effects and benefits of the active ingredients of the masks were mentioned. Most mask applications were even and efficiently applied. Candidates removed mask efficiently and with no residue.
Candidates concluded the treatment appropriately. Candidates made recommendations for follow up appointments and some home care product advice, and most mentioned sun protection. Some made recommendations for immediate aftercare.
Students were all successful.
All students are well supported by training staff.
Exams well organised and to schedule.
Documentation ready for the Examiner.
Practical examinations and check of QA documentation.
ITEC Level 4 Level 4 Certificate in Micro-Pigmentation Treatment
Comments from Chief ITEC Examiner, Amanda Malden-Browne (May, 2023)
All students passed their practical.
Students appear very well supported and guided.
Very well organised exams.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
Candidates were presented to a high standard. Professional uniforms were worn and hair secured off the face.
Candidates care for their clients and maintained communication throughout.
Hygiene and sterilisation met to a high standard throughout.
Consultation were conducted well. Open and closed questioning was provided.
Treatment area was prepared well in a very hygienic manner. Tactile. And thermal tests were performed and patch test checked. Correct pigmentation mix and needle size was prepared.
Design and plan, measuring was performed well with approval gained from the client.
Health and safety precautions was met to a good required standard against the criteria throughout.
The results were balanced and natural and client was happy with the outcome.
Aftercare was met to required standard against the criteria.
ITEC Level 2 Certificate for Beauty Specialists
Comments from ITEC Principal Examiner, Amanda Malden-Browne (May, 2023)
Students appear very well supported and guided.
All students passed their practical.
Very well organised exams.
Candidates were presented to a high standard. Professional uniforms were worn and hair secured off the face.
Candidates care for their clients and maintained communication throughout.
Hygiene and sterilisation met to a high standard throughout.
Cleansing technique was effective and no makeup or cleanser remained after treatment.
Skin analysis was performed well using the mag lamp.ninformation and choices were accurate.
Tint was applied very neatly and close to roots. Application was mostly very even.
Hygiene, stretching and tweezing technique was to required standard.
Massage was smooth and flowing.
Two masks were evenly and smoothly applied to the skin. The knowledge of the masks were accurate.
Homecare advice was generic and covered most of the criteria.
Very well organised exams.
All students passed their practical.
Students appear very well supported and guided.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
ITEC Level 4 Diploma in Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Treatments
Comments from Chief ITEC Examiner, Amanda Malden-Browne (May, 2023)
All students passed their practical.
Very well organised exams.
Students appear very well supported and guided.
Candidate were presented well. Professional uniforms were worn, suitable footwear and hair secured neatly off the face.
Client care was demonstrated throughout. Communication was maintained.
Sanitization and hygiene procedures were observed throughout.
Consultation was performed well. Consent obtained.
Tactile and thermal testing was performed well. Machine set on standby when not in use.
Laser treatment performed.
Quality assurance of the practical and documentation.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
Appropriate arrangements in place policies and procedure observed.
ITEC Level 2 Certificate for Beauty Specialist
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (Mar, 2023)
Candidate presented in a clean and neat uniform with hair neatly tied back, clean flat shoes.
Candidate ensured clients' comfort and modesty throughout treatment, and communicate of the ongoing treatment procedures by most.
Hygiene procedures observed of a high standard with lids replaced and used products, tools and equipment in a hygienic manner.
Cleanse was performed with the correct cleanser selected for the client's skin type. Client had a 'full make up'. The cleanse was performed in a commercially acceptable time.
All candidates used the magnifying lamp. The candidates recognised the skin type/characteristics and imperfections/lesions. Areas that was incorporated into the skin analysis was recommended treatments and suitable products for home care by candidates.
Patch-test evidence presented to the Examiner. Surrounding skin protected appropriately preparing for treatment. Suitable colour tint was mixed to the correct consistency according to client's wish and manufacturer advice. Tint application covered lashes thoroughly by most candidates. Removal of tint met ITEC marking criteria.
Eyebrow measured and discussion with client for their requirement. Brow hairs was placed on a tissue. A comfortable treatment was observed.
A logical flowing massage was observed incorporating all the massage movements stated in the ITEC marking criteria, maintaining contact and flow throughout the routine.
The area was prepared for the application of a mask. Two masks was applied a clay and a commercial. Both masks was applied efficiently. Removal of the mask was comfortable for the client.
Good home care advice given to the client. All areas of the ITEC marking criteria was incorporated into this area of the unit.
All candidates passed the practical exam.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
ITEC Level 3 Award in Body Massage
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (Mar, 2023)
Candidates presented in accordance to iTEC marking criteria, with clean neat hair, socks worn in full flat-shoes, short well-manicured nails.
Candidates ensured clients' comfort and modesty throughout treatment according to iTEC requirement.
Hygiene well observed in accordance to iTEC marking criteria, using products tools and equipment in a hygienic manner, and disposed general waste hygienically and appropriately
Consultation including body type and postural analysis demonstrated, with the selection of products, tools, and equipment to suit client's treatment needs.
Candidates adapted the pressure to meet the needs of the client area worked and treatment objectives.
Movements were demonstrated well with skin seen rippling ahead of the movements. Pressure was accurate.
Entire area to be treated with patrissage which the skin and muscles to be moved appropriately.
Vibration movements performed on the suitable area with correct techniques and at appropriate times in the massage routine.
Well demonstrated with support of joint appropriately.
Continuity with effleurage to link movements in a continuous, flowing, logical sequence and cover areas treated thoroughly.
Majority of areas attempted in iTEC marking criteria.
All candidates passed the practical exam.
Case studies well presented.
ITEC Level 4 Diploma in Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (Mar, 2023)
All candidates passed the practical exam.
Case studies well presented.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
: Appearance generally very good with all candidates presenting themselves professionally.
Candidates took care of the clients, and informed of the ongoing treatment procedures in a professional manner throughout.
Equipment is clean and wiped over before, during and after usage with some. Laundry is clean and changed for each client Hands are sanitised before, during and after treatment when appropriate.
General waste is disposed hygienically and appropriately.
Candidates displayed positive body language and gained information relevant to the treatment.
Safety precautions observed was of a high standard. Evidence of a patch test was shown to the examiner. All electrical safety check was observed.
The area was prepared correctly and coupling gel applied correctly. The area was marked out.
Most Candidates maintained communication with the client while the treatment was in progress.
Residual product was removed from the area treated. The appropriate soothing medium was applied. Candidates attempted majority of areas as stated in ITEC marking criteria.
Generally well answered.
ITEC Level 4 Diploma in Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (Mar, 2023)
All candidates passed the practical exam.
Case studies well presented.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
: Appearance generally very good with all candidates presenting themselves professionally.
Candidates took care of the clients, and informed of the ongoing treatment procedures in a professional manner throughout.
Equipment is clean and wiped over before, during and after usage with some. Laundry is clean and changed for each client Hands are sanitised before, during and after treatment when appropriate.
General waste is disposed hygienically and appropriately.
Candidates displayed positive body language and gained information relevant to the treatment.
Safety precautions observed was of a high standard. Evidence of a patch test was shown to the examiner. All electrical safety check was observed.
The area was prepared correctly and coupling gel applied correctly. The area was marked out.
Most Candidates maintained communication with the client while the treatment was in progress.
Residual product was removed from the area treated. The appropriate soothing medium was applied. Candidates attempted majority of areas as stated in ITEC marking criteria.
Generally well answered.
ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Nail technology
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (Dec, 2022)
Candidates presented in accordance to iTEC marking criteria in a clean professional uniform.
Candidates took care of the client for this unit.
Hygiene well observed in accordance to iTEC marking criteria, using products tools and equipment in a hygienic manner, and disposed general waste hygienically and appropriately.
Products, tool and equipment are selected to suit client treatment needs.
The nail plate was prepared and the correct size and shape of the tip was selected. The tip was tailored to suit the shape and contour of the nail. The tip was positioned and adhesive used. The tips was blended correctly.
The gel was applied and cured in accordance with the manufactures instructions. All residue was removed appropriately. All the nails had a balanced shape.
The use of the light was in accordance with the manufactures instructions. The lamp was used safely.
The finished result with the nails had a balanced shape, length.
Nails filed in accordance to iTEC marking criteria without damaging to the cuticles and nail walls.
All candidates passed the practical exam.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
ITEC Level 4 Diploma in Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (Dec, 2022)
All candidates passed the practical exam.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
Candidates presented well for this unit in accordance to iTEC marking criteria with a professional uniform, neat hair, and short clean nails.
Candidates took care of the clients, and informed of the ongoing treatment procedures in a professional manner throughout.
Equipment is clean and wiped over before, during and after usage with some. Laundry is clean and changed for each client Hands are sanitised before, during and after treatment when appropriate.
General waste is disposed hygienically and appropriately.
Candidate displayed positive body language and gained information relevant to the treatment.
Safety precautions observed was of a high standard.
All electrical safety check was observed.
The area was prepared correctly and coupling gel applied correctly. The area was marked out.
Most candidates maintained communication with the client while the treatment was in progress.
Residual product was removed from the area treated.
The appropriate soothing medium was applied.
Candidates attempted majority of areas as stated in ITEC marking criteria.
Generally well answered.
ITEC Level 2 Certificate for Beauty Specialist
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (Dec, 2022)
Candidate presented in accordance to iTEC requirements with a professional uniform, clean sensible full flat shoes with socks
Candidate ensured clients' comfort and modesty throughout treatment, and communicate of the ongoing treatment procedures.
Hygiene well observed in accordance to iTEC marking criteria, using products tools and equipment in a hygienic manner, and appropriately.
Cleanse was performed with the correct cleanser selected for the client's skin type. The cleanse was performed in a commercially acceptable time.
Candidate used the magnifying lamp, recognised the client's skin type and skin conditions.
Patch-test evidence presented to the Examiner. Surrounding skin protected appropriately preparing for treatment. Suitable colour tint was mixed. Tint application covered lashes thoroughly. Removal of tint met ITEC marking criteria.
Eyebrow measured and discussion with client for their requirement. Brow hairs was placed on a tissue. A comfortable treatment was observed.
A logical flowing massage was observed incorporating all the massage movements stated in the ITEC marking criteria.
The area was prepared for the application of a mask. Two masks was applied a clay and a commercial. Both masks was applied efficiently. Removal of the mask was comfortable for the client.
Treatment concluded in an appropriate manner.
All candidates passed the practical exam.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
ITEC Level 4 Award in Micro-Pigmentation Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (Dec, 2022)
Candidates well presented in accordance to iTEC marking criteria with clean causal wear, hair neatly tied back and clean sensible full flat shoes.
Candidates took care of the client, explained treatment procedures, ensuring client's comfort and behaved in a professional manner throughout.
Hygiene well observed in accordance to iTEC marking criteria, using products tools and equipment in a hygienic manner, and disposed general waste hygienically and appropriately.
Evidence of patch test shown to the examiner.
Candidates prepared work environment, self, and client for treatment.
Photographic evidence before and after the template taken with pigments colour, ratio, and needle configurations noted.
Candidate observed health and safety measures with the machine on a safe surface, electrical safety checks prior treatment, and sterilised equipment before and after use.
Appropriate implantation techniques to create the desired result noted. Pigments are evenly distributed with the effect which required more balance and well shaped within a commercially acceptable time.
Excess residual pigment product removed from the skin and surrounding tissues. Client's approval of the finished result with photograph as evidence.
Appropriate soothing product applied following treatment. Candidate informed client the healing process and effects on results. Both verbal and written advice provided with possible contra-actions and on-going maintenance.
All candidates passed the practical exam.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Pearl Macfarlane (Nov, 2022)
Excellent layout of portfolios. Thorough investigation of all unit requirements.
All students showed that they had investigated a variety of assessment methods.
All students had researched awarding bodies in reference to the awarding body criteria and assessment decision principles.
All students completed required evidence.
All criteria met with detailed descriptions majority students.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Pearl Macfarlane (Nov, 2022)
All criteria met with detailed descriptions majority students.
Students gave detailed information on individual student’s personalities and threats to their learning. This enabled them to show clear inclusive learning strategies for each learner.
All students showed that they had identified the various types of learning approaches and how to identify them.
All students completed required evidence.
Excellent layout of portfolios.
The student’s reflective evaluation of their teaching identified that they are using their knowledge to develop their teaching skills and style.
ITEC Level 3 Award in Body Massage
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (September, 2022)
Appearance: Candidates presented well for this unit in accordance to ITEC marking criteria.
Candidates ensured clients' comfort and modesty throughout treatment according to iTEC requirement.
Consultation including body type and postural analysis demonstrated, with the selection of products, tools, and equipment to suit client's treatment needs.
Hygiene procedures observed of a high standard.
Candidate adapted the pressure to meet the needs of the client area worked and treatment objectives.
Effleurage : Movements were demonstrated well with skin seen rippling ahead of the movements. Pressure was accurate.
Petrissage : Good manipulation of the tissue. Movements flowed manipulation of the tissue.
- Percussion was performed to required standard.
- Vibration movements performed on the suitable area with correct techniques and at appropriate times in the massage routine.
- Passive: Well demonstrated with support of joint appropriately.
- Continuity with effleurage to link movements in a continuous, flowing, logical sequence and cover areas treated thoroughly.
- Presented with accurate posture bending knees and keeping back straight.
- After/home care advice: Candidate attempted majority of areas in iTEC marking criteria.
- The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
Candidates passed practical exam.
Exam well arranged.
ITEC Level 2 Certificate for Beauty Specialists
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (September, 2022)
Candidates presented with a professional uniform.
Candidate ensured clients' comfort and modesty throughout treatment.
Hygiene procedures observed of a high standard with lids replaced and used products, tools and equipment in a hygienic manner.
All clients wore a full day make up. The cleanse was carried out within the ITEC recommended time frame with good results recorded.
All candidates used the magnifying lamp, recognised the client's skin type and skin conditions. Product recommendations was observed by the candidates.
Tint was mixed in accordance to ITEC marking criteria. Tint application covered lashes thoroughly by most candidates. Removal of tint met ITEC marking criteria.
Eyebrow measured and discussion with client for their requirement. A comfortable treatment was observed.
Logical flowing massage with all the moves observed that are in the ITEC marking criteria.
Choice, application and removal of masks in accordance to ITEC marking criteria.
The treatment was carried out within the ITEC recommended time frame with good results recorded.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
Candidates passed practical exam.
Exam well arranged.
ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Facial Electrical Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (September, 2022)
All candidates appearance presented well meeting the ITEC marking criteria.
Client care observed was in accordance with the ITEC marking criteria.
Candidates ensured client's comfort and maintained a positive and professional approach throughout.
Good hygiene procedures observed for this unit.
Preparation of work environment and products and tools selected in accordance to iTEC marking criteria.
Electrical treatments performed with observation to all health and safety measures.
Electrical check before performance demonstrated.
Effects/benefits of treatments generally explained.
Communication maintained throughout regarding comfort.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
Candidates passed practical exam.
Exam well arranged.
ITEC Level 4 Award in Micro-Pigmentation
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (September, 2022)
Candidate presented meeting the ITEC marking criteria in a professional uniform and hair neatly secured off the face. Professional makeup was worn.
Candidates took care of the client ensuring the comfort and behaved in a professional manner throughout.
Hygiene observed well in this unit.
The candidate displayed positive body language and gained information relevant to the treatment.
Evidence of a patch test was shown to the examiner, with ongoing commitment and top-up maintenance requirements explained.
Candidates had drew a template on the treated area with client's agreement and took photographic evidence, together with pigment ratios, needles recorded.
Safety precautions observed in accordance to ITEC requirements.
Thermal and tactile tests carried out prior to treatment.
Treatment area well supported with appropriate implantation techniques to create the desired effects.
Excess residual pigment product removed and the finished result with client's approval.
Photographic evidence taken.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
Candidates passed practical exam.
Exam well arranged.
ITEC Level 2 Certificate for Beauty Specialists
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (May, 2022)
All candidates passed the practical exam.
All candidates presented meeting the ITEC marking criteria.
Candidate ensured clients' comfort and modesty throughout treatment, and communicate of the ongoing treatment procedures.
Hygiene procedures observed of a high standard.
Candidate used the magnifying lamp, recognised the client's skin type and skin conditions. Product recommendations was observed.
Logical flowing massage with all the moves observed that are in the ITEC marking criteria.
Choice, application and removal of masks in accordance to ITEC marking criteria.
The treatment was carried out within the ITEC recommended time frame with good results recorded.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
Case studies well presented.
Internal quality arrangements are met.
ITEC Level 4 Diploma in Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (September, 2022)
All candidates appearance presented meeting the ITEC marking criteria.
Candidate took care of the client in a professional manner throughout.
Good hygiene procedures observed for this unit in accordance to iTEC marking criteria.
Candidate displayed positive body language and gained information relevant to the treatment.
Safety precautions observed was of a high standard.
Evidence of a patch test was shown to the examiner.
All electrical safety check was observed.
The area was prepared correctly and coupling gel applied correctly.
Most candidates maintained communication with the client while the treatment was in progress.
Residual product was removed from the area treated. The appropriate soothing medium was applied. Majority of candidates attempted all areas as stated in ITEC marking criteria.
Candidates attempted majority of areas as stated in ITEC marking criteria.
Oral Questions generally well answered.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
Candidates passed practical exam.
Exam well arranged.
ITEC Level 4 Diploma in Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (May, 2022)
All candidates appearance presented meeting the ITEC marking criteria.
Candidate took care of the client in a professional manner throughout.
Candidate displayed positive body language and gained information relevant to the treatment.
Good hygiene procedures observed for this unit.
Safety precautions observed was of a high standard.
Tests carried out prior to treatment. Evidence of a patch test was shown to the examiner. All electrical safety check was observed.
The treatments area was prepared correctly.
Candidates attempted majority of areas as stated in ITEC marking criteria.
Oral Questions most answer well.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
Case studies well presented.
Internal quality arrangements are met.
All candidates passed the practical exam.
ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Facial Electrical Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (May, 2022)
All candidates appearance presented well meeting the ITEC marking criteria.
Client care observed was in accordance with the ITEC marking criteria.
Candidates ensured client's comfort and maintained a positive and professional approach throughout.
Good hygiene procedures observed for this unit.
Preparation of work environment and products and tools selected in accordance to iTEC marking criteria.
Electrical treatments performed with observation to all health and safety measures.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
Case studies well presented.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
Internal quality arrangements are met.
All candidates passed the practical exam.
CIBTAC Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Helen Price (Jan, 2022)
Clear, concise, well presented and informative, industry related topics such as eyelash grafting, natural soap making etc - .
It is obvious that much time and effort has gone into these portfolios.
Well done to all learners.
ITEC Level 2 Certificate for Beauty Specialists
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (Mar, 2022)
All candidates passed the practical exam.
Most of candidates got Distinction grade from the exam.
All candidates presented meeting the ITEC marking criteria.
Candidate ensured clients' comfort and modesty throughout treatment, and communicate of the ongoing treatment procedures.
Hygiene procedures observed of a high standard.
A comfortable treatment was observed.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
Exam well arranged.
Internal quality arrangements are met.
ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Facial Electrical Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (Mar, 2022)
All candidates passed the practical exam.
All candidates presented well meeting the ITEC marking criteria.
Client care observed was in accordance with the ITEC marking criteria.
Candidates ensured client's comfort and maintained a positive and professional approach throughout.
Good hygiene procedures observed for this unit.
Preparation of work environment and products and tools selected in accordance to iTEC marking criteria.
Electrical treatments performed with observation to all health and safety measures.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
Exam well arranged.
Internal quality arrangements are met.
ITEC Level 4 Diploma in Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (Mar, 2022)
All candidates passed the practical exam.
Candidate took care of the client in a professional manner throughout.
All candidates presented meeting the ITEC marking criteria.
Candidate displayed positive body language and gained information relevant to the treatment.
Good hygiene procedures observed.
Safety precautions observed was of a high standard.
Tests carried out prior to treatment. Evidence of a patch test was shown to the examiner. All electrical safety check was observed.
The area was prepared correctly.
Candidates attempted all areas as stated in ITEC marking criteria by most.
Oral Questions generally well answered.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
Exam well arranged.
Internal quality arrangements are met.
ITEC Level 3 Certificate in Eyelash Extensions
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (May, 2022)
Candidates presented in accordance to ITEC marking criteria.
Candidates took care of the client ensuring the comfort and behaved in a professional manner throughout.
Hygiene well observed of high standard.
Candidates achieved an even and balanced application effectively.
Result well proportioned with client's approval.
Candidates attempted after care advice as required by ITEC.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
Case studies well presented.
Internal quality arrangements are met.
All candidates passed the practical exam.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Helen Price (Jan, 2022)
Learners have demonstrated understanding of teaching roles including responsibilities, promoting equality & diversity, cpd and how to identify/meet learners needs.
Inclusive teaching/learning approaches, planning and scheme of work, microteaching session and post evaluation - criteria met.
Criteria met - Assessment principles/practices.
Information well presented, informative, criteria met.
Well done to learners.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Helen Price (Jan, 2022)
Learners have demonstrated sound knowledge of assessment criteria - planning, use of fair and reliable methodology, understanding equality and self evaluation.
Learners have demonstrated clear understanding of the key concepts and principles of assessment including : assessor responsibilities, learner involvement, quality assurance, legal and good practice procedures.
Thorough and concise information - criteria met.
Well done to learners.
ITEC Level 4 Diploma in Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (December, 2021)
Candidates presented well for this unit by most.
Candidate took care of the clients, and informed of the ongoing treatment procedures.
Good hygiene procedures observed for this unit by most.
Safety precautions observed was of a high standard.
The area was prepared correctly.
Oral questions generally well answered.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
Case studies are ready for view.
Exam well run.
ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Facial Electrical Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (December, 2021)
All candidates presented well meeting the ITEC marking criteria.
Client care observed was in accordance with the ITEC marking criteria.
Candidates ensured client's comfort and maintained a positive and professional approach throughout.
Good hygiene procedures observed for this unit.
Electrical treatments performed with observation to all health and safety measures.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
Case studies are ready for view.
Exam well run.
ITEC Level 2 Certificate for Beauty Specialists
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (December, 2021)
All candidates presented meeting the ITEC marking criteria.
Most of candidates got distinction grade.
Candidate ensured clients' comfort and modesty throughout treatment, and communicate of the ongoing treatment procedures.
Hygiene procedures observed of a high standard.
A comfortable treatment was observed.
Case studies are ready for view.
Exam well run.
ITEC Level 4 Diploma in Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (September, 2021)
Candidates presented well for this unit in accordance to ITEC marking criteria.
Candidate took care of the clients, and informed of the ongoing treatment procedures.
Good hygiene procedures observed for this unit by most.
Safety precautions observed was of a high standard.
The area was prepared correctly.
Oral questions generally well answered
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
Case studies well prepared.
All candidates passed the practical exam.
ITEC Level 4 Award in Micro-Pigmentation
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (September, 2021)
Appearance: Candidates presented well for this unit in accordance to ITEC marking criteria.
Candidates took care of the client ensuring the comfort and behaved in a professional manner throughout.
Hygiene procedures observed of a high standard.
Appropriate implantation techniques to create the desired result noted.
Pigments are evenly distributed with the effect which is balanced and well shaped within a commercially acceptable time.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
Case studies well prepared.
Candidates passed practical exam.
ITEC Level 3 Award in Body Massage
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (September, 2021)
Appearance: Candidates presented well for this unit in accordance to ITEC marking criteria.
Candidates ensured clients' comfort and modesty throughout treatment according to iTEC requirement.
Hygiene procedures observed of a high standard.
Work environment well prepared.
Movements were demonstrated well with skin seen rippling ahead of the movements. Pressure was accurate.
Well demonstrated with support of joint appropriately.
To good required standard.
Case studies well prepared.
Candidates passed practical exam.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Nichola Sackley (July, 2021)
Learner has evidenced clear knowledge of their requirement in the assessment process.
Lesson was used for assessment of the students with feedback for each student given and a reflection of their own practice.
Learners have demonstrated a clear understanding of the principles and practices of assessment and covered the required criteria.
Well presented documented evidence covering all requirements.
Well done to all learners and tutors.
ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Nail Technology
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (December, 2021)
All candidates presented meeting the ITEC marking criteria.
The candidates took care of the client for this unit, and communication observed to inform the client of the ongoing procedures.
Good hygiene procedures observed for this unit.
Products, tool and equipment are selected to suit client treatment needs.
Case studies are ready for view.
Exam well run.
ITEC Level 2 Certificate for Beauty Specialists
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (September, 2021)
Candidates presented well for this unit in accordance to ITEC marking criteria.
Candidates ensured clients' comfort and modesty throughout treatment.
Hygiene procedures observed of a high standard.
The treatments was carried out within the ITEC recommended time frame with good results recorded.
Case studies well prepared.
All staff are aware and adhere to ITEC policies and procedures.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All candidates passed practical exam.
CIBTAC Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Nichola Sackley (July, 2021)
Learners have demonstrated a good level of knowledge relating to Inclusive teaching and learning strategies, assessment practices for the students.
Good demonstration of underpinning knowledge and use of various methods of teaching and resources.
Evidence provided of assessment for both theory and practical.
Substantial work has gone into these portfolios.
Well presented portfolio with all required information.
CIBTAC Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Nichola Sackley (May, 2021)
Learners have completed the required criteria.
Demonstrated a good level of knowledge relating to Inclusive teaching and learning strategies.
Learners have demonstrated good knowledge of assessment practices for the students.
Well presented portfolio with all required information. Interesting teaching sessions.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Nichola Sackley (July, 2021)
All required work was presented with content meeting all requirements.
Learners have demonstrated a good understanding of their roles/responsibilities as a teacher, all criteria met.
Criteria met, learners have demonstrated understanding of assessment principles/practices.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Nichola Sackley (May, 2021)
All required work was presented with content meeting all requirements.
Learners have demonstrated a good understanding of their roles/responsibilities as a teacher, all criteria met
Criteria met by learners. Microteach completed and peer observations recorded
Criteria met, learners have demonstrated understanding of assessment procedures.
Criteria met, learners have demonstrated understanding of assessment principles/practices.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Nichola Sackley (May, 2021)
Learners have evidenced clear knowledge of their requirement in the assessment process.
A varied selection of lessons were used for assessment of their students with feedback for each student given and a reflection of their own practice.
Learners have demonstrated a clear understanding of the principles and practices of assessment and covered the required criteria.
Well presented documented evidence covering all requirements.
Well done to all learners and tutors.
ITEC Level 4 Diploma in Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (May, 2021)
All candidates presented meeting the ITEC marking criteria.
Good hygiene procedures observed for this unit by most.
The candidates displayed positive body language and gained information relevant to the treatment.
Safety precautions observed was of a high standard.
The area was prepared correctly.
Oral questions well answered by most.
The facilities and equipment meet the requirements as specified in the ITEC Centre Approval.
All candidates passed the practical exam.
Exam well arranged.
CIBTAC Level 4 Diploma in Salon Management (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Nichola Sackley (Nov, 2020)
Learners have considered all aspects of managing a salon/spa and demonstrated knowledge in this area covering all criteria.
Good knowledge demonstrated of target market and the behaviour of the consumer. All criteria met.
PR strategies have been considered and executed in the Learner’s assignments.
Interesting businesses with marketing criteria covered in all assignments.
Learners have covered all required criteria.
Well-presented with thorough evidence for required criteria.
Thank you Michelle for collating the portfolios and signposting the evidence so well.
ITEC Level 2 Certificate for Beauty Specialists
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (May, 2021)
All candidates presented meeting the ITEC marking criteria.
Candidates ensured clients' comfort and modesty throughout treatment, and communicate ongoing treatment procedures with the clients.
Hygiene procedures observed of a high standard.
All candidates passed the practical exam.
Exam well arranged.
CIBTAC Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Nichola Sackley (Nov, 2020)
Learners have demonstrated a good level of knowledge relating to Inclusive teaching and learning strategies.
Learners have demonstrated good knowledge of assessment practices for their students and the necessity of meeting AO and curriculum requirements
Well structured portfolios with relevant detailed feedback.
Clear evidence provided for teaching sessions and assessments.
Learners have reflected well and show clear understanding.
Well done.
ITEC Level 4 Diploma in Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (Nov, 2020)
The candidates took care of the client's for this unit in accordance to ITEC requirements.
Hygiene procedures observed was a good standard.
The candidates displayed positive body language and gained information relevant to the treatment.
Safety precautions observed was of a high standard.
Most candidates maintained communication with the client while the treatment was in progress.
Answered well in accordance to ITEC requirement by most.
Exam well arranged.
ITEC Level 2 Certificate for Beauty Specialists
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (Nov, 2020)
Professional appearance by all candidates.
Effective client care observed, more communication explaining treatment procedures to clients.
Hygiene and sterilisation to a good required standard.
Most provided an effective treatment with most clients.
Exam well arranged.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Nichola Sackley (Oct, 2020)
In depth analysis of the microteach students which was interesting to read.
All required work was presented with content meeting all requirements.
Michelle – thank you for the way you presented the evidence, was very easy to verify and enjoyable to watch the videos.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Nichola Sackley (Oct, 2020)
Learners have demonstrated competence in their assessment skills.
Varied selection of lessons used for assessment of an interesting group of students each with specific learning needs/styles, with thorough feedback for each student given and a reflection of their own practice.
Learners have demonstrated a clear understanding of the principles and practices of assessment and covered the required criteria.
Well presented documented evidence covering all requirements.
Well done to all learners and tutors.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Nichola Sackley (June 2020)
Learners have demonstrated competence in their assessment skills.
An interesting varied selection of lessons were used for assessment of their students with thorough feedback for each student given and a reflection of their own practice.
Learners have demonstrated a clear understanding of the principles and practices of assessment and covered the required criteria.
Well presented documented evidence covering all requirements.
Well done to all learners and tutors.
ITEC Level 4 Diploma in Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Treatments
Comments from ITEC Examiner, Audrey Poon (July, 2020)
The candidates took care of the client in accordance to ITEC requirements.
Good hygiene procedures observed for this unit by most.
The candidates displayed positive body language and gained information relevant to the treatment
Safety precautions observed in accordance to ITEC requirements.
All electrical safety check was observed.
The area was prepared correctly. Most candidates maintained communication with the client while the treatment was in progress.
Most answered well.
All candidates passed the practical exam
Well arrangement for exam procedures and timing.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Nichola Sackley (June 2020)
Detailed explanation of roles and responsibilities.
All criteria met.
All required work was presented with content meeting all requirements.
PEARSON BTEC Level 5 Management and Leadership (QCF)
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Dr Reginald Clarke (Feb, 2020)
Rigorous assessment processes, Assessor provides very detailed feedback which supports learners to improve subsequent submissions.
Communication with the centre was excellent, relevant information provided electronically. All tracking, assessment recording, feedback and internal verification of the assessment decisions were presented clearly. The centre had supported the sampling process by translating assignment briefs and IV of briefs into English. Student assignments have been translated using Google Translate.
The Senior Management are a part of the delivery and assessment team. The Internal Verifier (Centre Manager) carries out a detailed performance appraisal of the Assessor following the delivery of each unit to check all aspects of the teaching, learning and assessment process.
Each learner completes a survey rating the unit against a set base of criteria under the following headings: - Learning Outcomes, Communication, Organisation and Presentation, Motivation, Feedback.
The centre has all the required policies in place and available for scrutiny.
Detailed staff handbook which includes Assessment, Internal Verification, Learner authentication of work, Plagiarism, Academic Integrity, Misconduct, Appeals, CPD policy, Monitoring and Evaluation, Expectations, Health and Safety, Malpractice, Conflict of Interest, Learner Support, Special arrangements, Equal Opportunities, Complaints.
Public Liability Cover – Policy seen.
Policies are included in the Learner handbook; these are presented in a very learner friendly format, ensuring learners are in no doubt as to their meaning. Learners also have access to all published policies.
Michelle Lee is responsible for registering all learners onto the programme, all learners are registered promptly after starting the programme.
Learners are interviewed to ensure they can commit to the academic rigors of the programme. All learners must have prior knowledge and an appropriate qualification.
Learners are provided with a suitable Handbook which includes the programme specification during induction which includes; Programme specification, units to be studied, contextualisation of merit and distinction criteria, calculation of grades, Assessment policy, Malpractice policy, Appeals policy and a Complaints policy. All learners interviewed fully understood the delivery and assessment of the programme.
CVs have been checked and confirm staff are suitably qualified. CPD plan has been viewed and is satisfactory.
Delivery and assessment methods are appropriate with assignments linked directly to learners own work experiences.
The learners have submitted written assignments. There is scope for a presentation which would vary the assignment.
The Centre appears to have taken steps to ensure the assignment is the work of each individual student.
The assignments that have been submitted are in Chinese and have a signed declaration of authenticity. The Learner Handbook does have warnings about plagiarism.
The Assignment is satisfactory and is in an acceptable format for a work-based assignment.
The Assignment enables the students to produce appropriate evidence to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria.
The Assessor feedback is comprehensive, evaluative, critical and developmental.
The Centre has records of the internal verification of assignment briefs.
The Centre has supplied Internal Verification records confirming the IV process is thorough, planned, recorded and is used to enhance future assessment practice.
Internal Verification records are available for audit.
The Annual Assessment Board Meeting is scheduled in coming May as an annual review process.
Learners are taught and assessed in Chinese, the learner work and associated documentation is translated into English for external verification.
Marketing materials are correct on the centre’s website and also through Facebook
The Student has produced a well-structured assignment that answers all of the requirements of the assessment criteria. The Assessor feedback is comprehensive and in great detail.
The assignment has an interesting and well thought section on leadership styles. The Assessor feedback is comprehensive and in great detail including developmental advice.
The Student has produced a capable assignment that has covered the Learning Outcomes and the Assessment Criteria in sufficient detail to be awarded. The Assessor feedback is comprehensive, evaluative, critical and developmental.
CIBTAC Level 3 Certificate in Facial Electrical Treatments (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Kerry Lawlor (Oct, 2019)
All evidence was clearly evident in portfolios. Portfolios are well structured.
All Learners performed well throughout their exams. Timing was efficient and they communicated very well with their clients. Well done!
CIBTAC Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Kerry Lawlor (Oct, 2019)
The portfolio is well structured and includes detailed and specific tutor feedback
Evidence for teaching sessions is clear and supported by tutor feedback and video evidence of observations.
Reflective practice is evident throughout the portfolio. Well done!
CIBTAC Level 2 Certificate in Facial Services (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Kerry Lawlor (Oct, 2019)
Most questions were answered very well throughout the examination. Learners gave detailed responses to the questions asked
Portfolios were well referenced and all evidence was completed.
All Learners showed excellent skills throughout the examination. They were professional throughout and explained each process to their clients. Well done!
PEARSON BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Hair and Beauty Management
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Susan Diamond (Aug, 2019)
Rigorous assessment processes, Assessor provides very detailed feedback which supports learners to improve subsequent submissions.
Communication with the centre was excellent, relevant information provided electronically. All tracking, assessment recording, feedback and internal verification of the assessment decisions were presented clearly. The centre had supported the examining process by translating the briefs and IV of briefs into English.Practical Examinations and check of QA documentation.
Detailed staff handbook which includes Assessment, Internal Verification, Learner authentication of work, Plagiarism, Academic Integrity, Misconduct, Appeals, CPD policy, Monitoring and Evaluation, Expectations, Health and Safety, Malpractice, Conflict of Interest, Learner Support, Special arrangements, Equal Opportunities, Complaints.
The planning of the internal verification of the briefs is timely and the Internal Verifier has provided suitable feedback and guidance. All actions and modifications are made to the brief before issue to the learners. Signed and dated documentation supports this process.
The Assessor is highly experienced, the centre are happy with this level of rigour to enhance a robust quality assurance process. All learner work is internally verified promptly after assessment takes place, this is generally within 2 weeks of submission by the learner. The Internal Verifier has accurately agreed the assessment decision made by the Assessor and provided detailed constructive feedback
The Centre operates an Academic Board where the assessment decisions are checked and second marked at the end of each unit before final grades are agreed. The centre have this in place with an experienced qualified External Assessor and prefer to continue with this level of QA rigour.
The learner submitted the work on time, well-presented and appropriately referenced. The Assessor has assessed the assignment promptly after submission and provided very detailed constructive feedback against each assessment criterion for both practical and written evidence based criterion. The Assessor has awarded a distinction overall which is in line with the assessment requirements.
The internal verification was carried out within days of the assessment and the internal verifier has correctly verified the overall grade of distinction.
CIBTAC Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, KIM.C.A.FORD (July, 2019)
Candidate performed very well showing detailed plans to need their learners needs in education and training
It was very inspiring to see the progressive changes throughout the course in the delivering and education of training.
Candidates showed excellent skills evidencing a variety of assessment with different learners in education and training.
Well done to tutor and centre for excellent work shown.
Keep up the outstanding work.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, KIM.C.A.FORD (July, 2019)
The candidates showed good understanding in the principles and practices of assessment.
Very detailed portfolios and case studies, well presented and easy to navigate
Well done to tutor and centre for outstanding detailed work.
A real credit to our industry of professional standards in this area.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, KIM.C.A.FORD (July, 2019)
Candidates showed excellent understanding in this area in the work environment.
Excellent clear skills shown in this area, very easy to navigate.
Well done to centre and tutors was good to see the clear progression of students.
Keep up the good work.
PEARSON BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Hair and Beauty Management (QCF)
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Susan Diamond (June, 2019)
Rigorous assessment processes, Assessor provides very detailed feedback which supports learners to improve subsequent submissions.
Communication with the centre was excellent, relevant information provided electronically. All tracking, assessment recording, feedback and internal verification of the assessment decisions were presented clearly. The centre had supported the examining process by translating the briefs and IV of briefs into English.
A range of suitable assessment methods is used, although this is largely based around written reporting as the units delivered and assessed this year are theoretical business units, and the Assessor ensures the programme specification is carefully consulted when planning. Where possible practical activities are included, for example Unit 11 Physical Activity, Lifestyle and Wellbeing. The assignments are well explained, they have sufficient time to complete and are clear and focused with regard to higher grade targets and attainment possibilities. Assessment decisions are internally verified promptly and the learner work is generally returned within 2 weeks. The Internal Verifier provides constructive feedback to the Assessor and feedback is clearly actioned. Learners are working towards achieving higher grades than previous cohorts, this is probably due to the successful contextualisation of the tasks. Learners confirmed this, stating that assessments were clearly explained before commencement and feedback is constructive and supportive. The learner work and grades awarded support the ethos of striving for higher grades than previous cohorts.
All learners understand the necessity to produce their own work and that plagiarism is not tolerated.
The learner submitted the work on time, well-presented and appropriately referenced. The Assessor has assessed the assignment promptly after submission and provided very detailed constructive feedback against each assessment criterion. The learner has presented a well-reasoned report addressing all learning outcomes at the appropriate level to meet the higher grading criteria. The Assessor has awarded a distinction overall which is in line with the unit requirements.
The internal verification was carried out within days of the assessment and the internal verifier has correctly verified the overall grade of distinction across the submission of the assignments.
CIBTAC Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Kerrie Tomlinson (April, 2019)
Excellent understanding of the various ways of delivering training to learners.
Good understanding of how to assure the quality of assessment.
Excellent portfolios, very well presented, covering all topics and in detail.
Well done to HKBHA and all candidates.
CIBTAC Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Kerrie Tomlinson (April, 2019)
Good understanding of occupational competence within the work environment.
Good understanding of the various assessment principles and practices.
Good supporting evidence.
Excellent portfolios – well presented and in detail.
Well done to candidates.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Kerrie Tomlinson (April, 2019)
Good understanding of the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training.
Good understanding of assessment in training and education.
Excellent portfolios covering all necessary topics thoroughly and well presented.
Well done to candidates.
CIBTAC Level 4 Certificate in Laser and Light Therapy Treatments (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Kerrie Tomlinson (April, 2019)
Well done on an excellent practical examination.
Excellent portfolios presented.
Good oral questions.
CIBTAC Level 3 Certificate in Facial Electrical Treatments (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Kerrie Tomlinson (April, 2019)
Professional, good appearance, good client communications, good hygiene, health and Safety, good timings good explanation.
Candidate knowledge very good.
Oral Questions generally well answered
CIBTAC Level 2 Certificate in Facial Services (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Kerrie Tomlinson (April, 2019)
Good client communications, professional appearance, excellent client care,
good observations, correct skin choices, good treatment plans, well explained, ingredient knowledge generally good, all massage movements demonstrated, rate and rhythm pressure generally good, posture good, good choices of masks, good knowledge of ingredients.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner : KIM.C.A.FORD (Nov, 2018)
The candidates showed excellent knowledge in the area of roles, responsibilities and relationships in training and education.
Candidates showed great understanding especially in areas of establishing clear rules with learners, how to communicate clearly with learners, inclusive teaching practices and learning in environments.
Very detailed portfolios and case studies, well presented.
Well done to tutors and centre for outstanding detailed work.
CIBTAC Level 4 Certificate in Laser and Light Therapy Treatments (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner : KIM.C.A.FORD (Nov, 2018)
Excellent client communication and clear explanation of treatment and understanding of treatment results and outcome.
Excellent skills shown across both areas.
Excellent treatment application.
Candidates performed excellent in oral questions.
Excellent detailed portfolios with detailed case studies and assignments.
Well done to tutors and centre for the results.
Keep up the excellent work.
CIBTAC Level 3 Certificate in Facial Electrical Treatments (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner : KIM.C.A.FORD (Nov, 2018)
Excellent detailed form. Client communication. Timing in Consultation.
Most candidates performed well across in Hygiene, health and Safety.
Candidates generally performed very well in Generic Performance Indicators
Generally most candidates performed excellent in Facial Electrical Treatment.
Candidates performed very well in Atercare and Advice
Candidates generally performed very well across in Oral Questions.
Well done to tutors and candidates.
CIBTAC Level 2 Certificate in Facial Services (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner : KIM.C.A.FORD (Nov, 2018)
Excellent Consulatation timing. Well detailed consultation sheets, client communication.
Excelllent in Hygiene, health and Safety.
Excellent cleanse procedure and product economy. Excellent removal of make up.
Excellent in selection of exfoliation product to meet clients needs. Product Knowledge. Application and removal. Timing
Candidates generally performed well in in Skin Analysis
Candidates generally performed well in Lash & Brow Tinting
Excellent Eyebrow Trim procedure
Good grasp of all classical movements, Excellent routine in facial massage
Excellent selection of mask product to meet clients needs. Product Knowledge, Removal.
Candidates generally performed well in aftercare.
Excellent selection of colours for lips and eyes. Finished results
Well done to tutors and center.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Helen Price (July, 2018)
Comprehensive assessments with evidence.
Assessment and assignment planning covering key elements.
Understanding of quality assurance and management of evidence.
Portfolios - Very thorough and comprehensive.
The school has stringent criteria in place which the candidates must follow and complete, therefore ensuring the candidates have sound knowledge and practical experience.
Well done to school and candidates on excellent work.
PEARSON BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Hair and Beauty Management (QCF)
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Susan Diamond (July, 2018)
Rigorous assessment processes, Assessor provides very detailed feedback which supports learner progression and improvement.
Communication with the centre was excellent, relevant information provided electronically. All tracking, assessment recording, feedback and internal verification of the assessment decisions were presented clearly. The centre had translated the programme handbook, learner handbook, assignment briefs, IV of briefs, minutes of meetings, assessment and IV tracking into English prior to the visit, available in both in hard copy and electronic.
The centre provided an articulate translator who was invaluable when interviewing the learners.
Senior management are part of the assessment and internal verification team. The Internal Verifier (Centre Manager) carries out a detailed performance appraisal of the Assessor following the delivery of each unit to check all aspects of the teaching, learning and assessment process. This involves the Assessor firstly reflecting on their own performance and indicating against a detailed list of performance criteria, whether they have met or not. This is then discussed and evaluated by the appraising manager, dated and signed accordingly. This is completed in conjunction with the results of the unit survey. Each learner completes a survey rating the unit against a set base of criteria under the following headings: - Learning Outcomes, Communication, Organisation and Presentation, Motivation, Feedback.
The centre has all the required policies in place and available for scrutiny.
Detailed staff handbook which includes Assessment, Internal Verification, Learner authentication of work, Plagiarism, Academic Integrity, Misconduct, Appeals, CPD policy, Monitoring and Evaluation, Expectations, Health and Safety, Malpractice, Conflict of Interest, Learner Support, Special arrangements, Equal Opportunities, Complaints.
Public Liability Cover – Policy seen.
Likewise, appropriate policies are included in the Learner handbook; these are presented in a very learner friendly format, ensuring learners are in no doubt as to their meaning. Learners also have access to all published policies in their fullest form.
Michelle Lee is responsible for registering all learners onto the programme, all learners are registered promptly after starting the programme.
Learners are interviewed to ensure they can commit to the academic rigors of the programme. All learners must have prior knowledge and an appropriate qualification. Learners typically have either a level 3 or level 4 qualification in beauty therapy and/or laser therapy. The learners interviewed at the centre confirmed they work in industry.
Learners are provided with a suitable Handbook which includes the programme specification during induction which includes; Programme specification, units to be studied, contextualisation of merit and distinction criteria, calculation of grades, Assessment policy, Malpractice policy, Appeals policy and a Complaints policy. All learners interviewed fully understood the delivery and assessment of the programme.
The centre has an appropriate number of staff to deliver and assess the programme. Staff CV’s indicate the staff are qualified to deliver the programme with suitable industrial experience. Assessor CPD is recent, relevant, logged and presented clearly. There is further CPD planned and in place, namely Pearson based training.
Learners have access to a large Beauty Therapy practical salon with sufficient equipment to meet current industry standards the requirements of the qualification.
Both delivery and assessment methods are entirely appropriate with many assignments linked directly to learners own experiences in their own salons or work placements.
A range of suitable assessment methods is used, although this is largely based around written reporting as the units delivered and assessed this year are theoretical business units, and the Assessor ensures the programme specification is carefully consulted when planning. The assignments are well explained, they have sufficient time to complete and are clear and focused with regard to higher grade targets and attainment possibilities. Assessment decisions are internally verified promptly and the learner work is generally returned within 2 weeks.
The Internal Verifier provides constructive feedback to the Assessor and feedback is clearly actioned. Learners are working towards achieving higher grades than previous cohorts, this is probably due to the successful contextualisation of the tasks. Learners confirmed this, stating that assessments were clearly explained before commencement and feedback is constructive and supportive.
All learners understand the necessity to produce their own work and that plagiarism is not tolerated.
Assignments are written at an appropriate level for the learners and tasks are contextualised which incorporate the merit and distinction criterion appropriately.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Helen Price (July, 2018)
Competent assignment showing understanding of assessment techniques and adaptation when required.
Managing standardisation and supporting evidence.
Concise and well planned.
Thorough work well done.
CIBTAC Level 3 Certificate in Facial Electrical Treatments (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Helen Price (July, 2018)
All Good standard - Professional communication,Hygiene, health and safety, Explanation of the effects of treatments, Reaction to treatment, Safe use of the machine
Excellent knowledge and detail in oral questions
CIBTAC Level 2 Certificate in Facial Services (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Helen Price (July, 2018)
All good Standard - Consultation, Hygiene, health and safety, Cleanse, Skin analysis, Exfoliation, Lash/brow tinting, Eyebrow trim, Massage, Massage Movements, Mask, Facial Aftercare, Make-up
Excellent- Oral questions
PEARSON BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Hair and Beauty Management (QCF)
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Susan Diamond (April, 2018)
Very thorough and detailed Assessor feedback.
Communication with the centre was excellent. All tracking, assessment recording, feedback and internal verification of the assessment decisions were presented clearly.
Senior management are part of the assessment and internal verification team. The Internal Verifier (Centre Manager) carries out a detailed performance appraisal of the Assessor following the delivery of each unit to check all aspects of the teaching, learning and assessment process.
This is completed in conjunction with the results of the unit survey. Each learner completes a survey rating the unit against a set base of criteria under the following headings: - Learning Outcomes, Communication, Organisation and Presentation, Motivation,
The centre has all the required policies in place and available for scrutiny.
Separate detailed assessment and Internal Verification handbook.
Detailed staff handbook which includes Assessment, Internal Verification, Learner authentication of work, Plagiarism, Academic Integrity, Misconduct, Appeals, CPD policy, Monitoring and Evaluation, Expectations, Health and Safety, Malpractice, Conflict of Interest, Learner Support, Special arrangements, Equal Opportunities, Complaints.
All learners are encouraged to secure a work placement opportunity in order to develop their practical Beauty Therapy and Management skills. All the learners currently on programme work in the industry.
Assignments are linked where possible to the learners own real work environment and learners confirmed this was the case.
Learners are provided with a suitable Handbook which includes the programme specification during induction which includes; Programme specification, units to be studied, contextualisation of merit and distinction criteria, calculation of grades, Assessment policy, Malpractice policy, Appeals policy and a Complaints policy.
The planning of the internal verification of the briefs is timely and the Internal Verifier has provided suitable feedback and guidance. All actions and modifications are made to the brief before issue to the learners. Signed and dated documentation supports this process.
All learner work is internally verified promptly after assessment takes place, this is generally within 2 weeks of submission by the learner. The Internal Verifier has accurately agreed the assessment decision made by the Assessor and provided detailed constructive feedback.
The Centre operates an Academic Board where the assessment decisions are checked and second marked at the end of each unit before final grades are agreed.
The learners submitted the work on time, well-presented and appropriately referenced. The Assessor has assessed the assignment promptly after submission and provided very detailed constructive feedback against each assessment criterion. The learner has provided evidence to demonstrate she has applied, reflected and practiced her learning in the workplace. The Assessor has awarded a pass overall which is in line with the assessment requirements.
The internal verification was carried out within days of the assessment and the internal verifier has correctly verified the overall grade of distinction across the submission of the assignments.
PEARSON BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Hair and Beauty Management (QCF)
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Susan Diamond (August, 2017)
Electronic tracking system ensures learner progress is accurately recorded.
The centre operates a robust review after the delivery and assessment of each unit. This comprises of a learner survey and feedback opportunity.
Communication with the centre was excellent, relevant information provided electronically. All tracking, assessment recording, feedback and internal verification of the assessment decisions were presented clearly in English as well as Chinese.
The centre has all the required policies in place and available for scrutiny.
Relevant policies are included in the Staff handbook, including; Health and Safety, Malpractice, Plagiarism and Academic integrity, Fair Access and Equal Opportunity, Learner Support/Reasonable Adjustments and an Appeals policy.
Likewise appropriate policies are included in the Learner handbook; these are presented in a very learner friendly format, ensuring learners are in no doubt as to their meaning. Learners also have access to all published policies in their fullest form.
Learners are interviewed to ensure they can commit to the academic rigours of the programme.
Assignments are linked where possible to the learners’ own real work environment and learners confirmed this was the case.
Learners are provided with a suitable Handbook during induction which includes; Programme specification, units to be studied, contextualisation of merit and distinction criteria, calculation of grades, Assessment policy, Malpractice, Appeals and a complaints.
The centre has an appropriate number of staff to deliver and assess the programme, particularly as the cohort is small. Staff CV’s indicate the staff are qualified to deliver the programme with suitable industrial experience. Assessor CPD recent and relevant logged and presented clearly. Learners have access to a large Beauty Therapy practical salon with sufficient equipment to meet current industry standards the requirements of the qualification.
Both delivery and assessment methods are entirely appropriate with many assignments linked directly to learners own experiences in their own salons or work placements.
There are no distance learners studying at the centre, all the learners attend and work in the salon for the remainder of the week.
The assignments are well explained, they have sufficient time to complete and are clear and focussed with regard to higher grade targets and attainment possibilities. Assessment decisions are internally verified promptly. The Internal Verifier provides constructive feedback to the Assessor and feedback is clearly actioned. Learners are achieving higher grades than previous cohorts and feedback is constructive and supportive.
All assignment briefs have a suitable scenario which ‘places‘ the learner in an appropriate context in which to complete the assignment. All briefs are appropriately presented with all relevant information presented in relation to the programme. The assignmnet briefs are designed to ensure they can be related and completed to salon work. All learners work in salon and one is the salon owner. This enables the learners to complete the assignment whilst applying their knowledge appropriately and relevantly.
The timing of the issue of the briefs is carefully planned to ensure learners have adequate time to complete without compromising the standards of another. Each brief has the merit and distinction criteria appropriately contextualised.
All submitted learner work has a declaration of authenticity duly signed by the learner.
The learner work is annotated clearly identifying where the learner has achieved a pass, merit or distinction for each discreet AC.
Assessment decisions are correct, with the Assessor giving very detailed and constructive feedback, carefully linked to the Assessment criteria and Learning outcomes. The feedback is carefully crafted to be totally bespoke to each learner, this indicates the learner work is also quite different in the learners approach to the submission design, particularly for research projects. Learners are clear with what is necessary to improve a submission if they should so wish.
Learners sign an authenticity statement when submitting work, opportunities for plagiarism are minimised and learners are clear with regard to the consequences.
The planning of the internal verification of the briefs is timely and the Internal Verifier has provided suitable feedback and guidance. All actions and modifications are made to the brief before issue to the learners. Signed and dated documentation supports this process.
All learner work is internally verified promptly after assessment takes place. The Internal Verifier has accurately agreed the assessment decision made by the Assessor and provided detailed contrsuctive feedback
The centre operates an Academic Board where the assessment decisions are checked and second marked at the end of each unit before final grades are agreed.
The assignment was assessed promptly after submission, the learner work appropriate annotated and feedback provided. The internal verification was carried out within days of the assessment and the internal verifier has correctly verified the overall grade of distinction across the submission of the assignments
The Assessor feedback is very constructive, detailed and links directly to the assessment criteria and the learners have been given recommendations for improvement to the work where appropriate.
The work has been assessed and internally verified promptly after submission and returned to the learners within 2 weeks. The learner has been awarded a distinction overall for this unit.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sue Butler (Jan, 2017)
Portfolios contain substantial evidence supporting each unit.
All candidates presented a variety of topics for the purpose of micro- teaching and pleasing to view.
The candidates have generated substantial evidence and at a high level.
CIBTAC Level 4 Diploma in Salon Management (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sue Butler (Jan, 2017)
The candidates have produced a high level of work for the qualification.
Work is presented well and conducive with a level 4 programme.
Candidates have produced a high standard of work and appropriate level for the qualification.
PEARSON BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Hair and Beauty Management (QCF)
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Susan Diamond (Dec, 2016)
Electronic tracking system ensures learner progress is accurately recorded.
The centre operates a robust review after the delivery and assessment of each unit. This comprises of a learner survey and feeback opportunity. The outcome of the review is taken on by the Management team and any improvements are actioned. Discussed changes are minuted in course meetings and any changes actioned, if no change necessary this is also agreed and minuted.
Communication with the centre was excellent, relevant information provided prior to the visit, presenting accurate tracking records for all learners, Assessors and IV'S; thus enabling an appropriate sample to be requested. All material was available elctronically and in hard copy to ensure tranlsation went smoothly whilst the originals could be scrutinised.
All material needed available in order to carry out standards verification efficiently.
Senior management are part of the assessment and internal verification team. All delivery and assessment is reviewed at the end of each unit and changes are made promptly if required. Minutes of meetings indicate these discussions take place and actions agreed.
The centre has all the required policies in place and available for scrutiny.
Relevant policies are included in the Staff handbook, including; Health and Safety, Malpractice, Plagiarism and Academic integrity, Fair Access and Equal Opportunity, Learner Support/Reasonable, Adjustments and an Appeals policy.
Renewed Public Liability insurance document presented.
Likewise appropriate policies are included in the Learner handbook; these are presented in a very learner friendly format, ensuring learners are in no doubt as to their meaning. Learners also have access to all published policies in their fullest form.
Learners are interviewed to ensure they can commit to the academic rigours of the programme.
Assignments are linked where possible to the learners’ own real work environment and learners confirmed this was the case.
Learners are provided with a suitable Handbook during induction which includes; Programme specification, units to be studied, contextualisation of merit and distinction criteria, calculation of grades, Assessment policy, Malpractice and Appeals policy.
The centre has an appropriate number of staff to deliver and assess the programme. Staff CV’s indicate the staff are qualified to deliver the programme with suitable industrial experience.
Both delivery and assessment methods are entirely appropriate with many assignments linked directly to learners own experiences in their own salons or work placements.
I met with all learners who are currently on programme. All learners feel very well supported, have regular tutorials to plan and assess progress. The assignments are well explained, they have sufficient time to complete and are clear and focused with regard to higher grade targets and attainment possibilities. The learners explained that although they know what to do to achieve higher grades , the workload, along with working in a salon and running busy homes leaves them insufficient time to put in the extra to aim for a Merit or distinction. The work is assessed and marked promptly and constructive, detailed feedback is provided generally within 2 weeks. For presentations or practical assessment, feedback is provided immediately.
Learners are very clear with regard to the rules for plagiarism and what to do if they should feel an assessment decision was unfair. Assessment decisions are internally verified promptly and the learner work is returned within 2 weeks. The Internal Verifier provides constructive feedback to the Assessor and feedback is clearly actioned.
Most units have two assignment briefs which ensures target assessment criteria can be appropriately clustered and suitable tasks designed.
All assignment briefs have a suitable scenario which ‘places‘ the learner in an appropriate context in which to complete the assignment. All briefs are appropriately presented with all relevant information presented in relation to the programme. The assignmnet briefs are designed to ensure they can be related and completed to salon work. This enables the learners to complete the assignment whilst applying their knowledge appropriately and relevantly.
The timing of the issue of the briefs is carefully planned to ensure learners have adequate time to complete without compromising the standards of another. Each brief has the merit and distinction criteria appropriately contextualised.
All submitted learner work has a declaration of authenticity duly signed by the learner.
The learner work is annotated clearly identifying where the learner has achieved a pass, merit or distinction for each discreet AC.
Assessment decisions are correct, with the Assessor giving very detailed and constructive feedback, carefully linked to the Assessment criteria and Learning outcomes. The feedback is carefully crafted to be totally bespoke to each learner, this indicates the learner work is also quite different in the learners approach to the submission design, particularly for research projects. Learners are clear with what is necessary to improve a submission if they should so wish.
Learners sign an authenticity statement when submitting work, opportunities for plagiarism are minimised and learners are clear with regard to the consequences.
The planning of the internal verification of the briefs is timely and the Internal Verifier has provided suitable feedback and guidance. All actions and modifications are made to the brief before issue to the learners. Signed and dated documentation supports this process.
All learner work is internally verified promptly after assessment takes place, this is generally within 2 weeks of submission by the learner. The Internal Verifier has accurately agreed the assessment decision made by the Assessor and provided detailed constructive feedback.
The centre operates an Academic Board where the assessment decisions are checked and second marked at the end of each unit before final grades are agreed.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sarah Martin (Nov, 2016)
Portfolios were presented and organised very well containing some very good work
Candidates and tutors have worked extremely hard to deliver a high level of teaching & learning
Well done it was a pleasure reading the portfolios
CIBTAC Level 2 Diploma in Beauty Therapy Services (QCF) &
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Facial Electrical Treatments (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sarah Martin (Nov, 2016)
All candidates portfolios were available for evidence checks all present and well organized.
The candidates delivered some excellent treatments with a high level of expertise.
Well done to all candidates and tutors some very good professional work it was a pleasure visiting your centre.
CIBTAC Level 4 Diploma in Salon Management (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sarah Martin (Nov, 2016)
The candidates portfolio submitted was extremely well organised and presented professionally.
It was evident that a lot of hard work had been carried out by the candidate and tutors.
The submitted portfolio was very professional.
A high standard of work had been submitted.
Well done to the candidate and tutors it was a pleasure examining at your Centre thank you for your hospitality.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Pearl Macfarlane (July, 2016)
All portfolios were present. Content was questioned to test sufficiency, quality and authenticity of evidence provided and clearly verbally translated.
In general the quality of evidence provided exceeded the requirements for each unit.
Well done to the school for providing an excellent course.
CIBTAC Level 2 Diploma in Beauty Therapy Services (QCF) &
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Facial Electrical Treatments (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Pearl Macfarlane (July, 2016)
All portfolios had sufficient evidence to meet the range requirements.
Overall excellent standards demonstrated by candidates.
Congratulations to the school on the professionalism of your students.
CIBTAC Level 4 Certificate in Laser and Light Therapy Treatments (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Pearl Macfarlane (July, 2016)
Clear well set out portfolios with good clear photographic evidence.
Candidates were well prepared and dealt professionally with models and showed outstanding professionalism during the treatment.
Well done to all candidates.
PEARSON BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Hair and Beauty Management (QCF)
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Susan Diamond (April, 2016)
Excellent electronic systems for tracking learner progress.
The centre operates a robust review after the delivery and assessment of each unit to improve the learner experience as well as an Academic Board to agree final unit grade.
Extensive feedback to support improvement and progression.
Communication with the centre was excellent, relevant information provided prior to the visit enabling an appropriate sample to be requested.
All material needed available in order to carry out standards verification efficiently.
The Senior Management team are directly involved in the operational activity of the programme; assessing and internally verifying as well as strategic management.
Robust system of course evaluation at the end of each unit delivery. This comprises of a learner survey and course review by the delivery team.
The centre has all the required policies in place and available for scrutiny.
Relevant policies are included in the Staff handbook, including; Health and Safety, Malpractice including Plagiarism and Academic integrity, Fair Access and Equal Opportunity, Learner Support/Reasonable., Adjustments and an Appeals policy.
Likewise appropriate policies are included in the Learner handbook.
Learners are interviewed to ensure they can commit to the academic rigours of the programme. Learners are encouraged to secure a work placement opportunity in order to develop both their practical Beauty Therapy and Management skills.
Assignments are linked where possible to the learners’ own real work environment.
Learners are provided with a suitable Handbook during induction which includes; Programme specification, units to be studied, contextualisation of merit and distinction criteria, calculation of grades, Assessment policy, Malpractice and Appeals policy.
The centre has an appropriate number of staff to deliver and assess the programme. Staff CV’s indicate the staff are qualified to deliver the programme with suitable industrial experience.
Learners have access to a large Beauty Therapy practical salon with sufficient equipment to meet current industry standards the requirements of the qualification.
Both delivery and assessment methods are entirely appropriate with many assignments linked directly to learners own experiences in their own salons or work placements.
All learners feel very well supported, the assignments are well explained, they have sufficient time to complete and are clear and focussed with regard to higher grade targets and attainment possibilities. The work is assessed and marked promptly and constructive, detailed feedback is provided generally within 2 weeks.
Assessment decisions are correct, with the Assessor giving very detailed and constructive feedback, carefully linked to the Assessment criteria and Learning outcomes. Learners are clear with what is necessary to improve a submission if they should so wish.
The planning of the internal verification of the briefs is timely and the Internal Verifier has provided suitable feedback and guidance. All actions and modifications are made to the brief before issue to the learners.
All learner work is internally verified promptly after assessment takes place, this is generally within 2 weeks of submission by the learner. The Internal Verifier has accurately agreed the assessment decision made by the Assessor.
The centre operates an Academic Board where the assessment decisions are checked and second marked at the end of each unit before final grades are agreed.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sarah Martin (April, 2016)
Portfolios were presented and organised very well containing some very good work
Candidates and tutors have worked extremely hard to deliver a high level of teaching & learning.
Well done it was a pleasure reading the portfolios
CIBTAC Level 4 Certificate in Laser and Light Therapy Treatments (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sarah Martin (April, 2016)
A very professional organised set of portfolios all photographic evidence very clear & detailed & of a high standard.
A very high standard of professional Laser & Light therapy treatments carried out candidates demonstrated a high level of knowledge with a high level of professionalism also.
Well done to the tutors, candidates and the school very good professional work.
CIBTAC Level 4 Diploma in Salon Management (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sarah Martin (April, 2016)
Portfolios were presented and organized very well containing some very good work.
Candidates and tutors have worked extremely hard to deliver a high level of teaching and learning.
Well done it was a pleasure reading the portfolios.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Lesley Blair - Chairman of BABTAC & CIBTAC (Jan, 2016)
Portfolios were organised very well.
High standard of work presented.
Level of work produced was of an extremely high standard.
Michelle and her team have again delivered an in depth knowledge and understanding to their students. 100% success.
Well done tutors and students.
Portfolios produced were a pleasure to go through.
CIBTAC Level 4 Certificate in Laser and Light Therapy Treatments (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Lesley Blair - Vice Chairman of BABTAC & CIBTAC (Jan, 2016)
A very high standard of portfolios presented, very clear and easy to go through.
A very high standard of practical treatment demonstrated.
Obviously well practiced.
High level of professionalism demonstrated.
Well done candidates and teaching staff.
CIBTAC Level 4 Diploma in Salon Management (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Lesley Blair - Vice Chairman of BABTAC & CIBTAC (Jan, 2016)
All portfolios submitted were extremely well organised and presented very professionally.
It was obvious that a lot of hard work had been carried out by the candidates and tutors due to the quality of portfolio presented.
As always, a high standard of work presented in portfolios.
Michelle and her team’s attention to detail apparent in quality of students work presented.
Well done tutors and students, a pleasure to visit, 100% success.
No areas to improve, positive feedback across the board.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sarah Martin (Nov, 2015)
Portfolios were presented and organised very well containing some very good work.
Candidates and tutors have worked extremely hard to deliver a high level of teaching & learning.
Well done it was a pleasure reading the portfolios.
CIBTAC Level 2 Diploma in Beauty Therapy Services (QCF) &
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Facial Electrical Treatments (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sarah Martin (Nov, 2015)
All portfolios were submitted and presented very professionally.
All photographic evidence was very clear and original.
Well done to all candidates
The candidates worked extremely professionally and were very focussed during their practical exam.
Well done to all staff and candidates it was a pleasure examining your work, thank you.
CIBTAC Level 4 Certificate in Laser and Light Therapy Treatments (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sarah Martin (Nov, 2015)
A very professional organised set of portfolios all photographic evidence was very clear and detailed and of a high standard.
A very high standard of professional Laser & Light therapy treatments carried out candidates demonstrated a high level of knowledge with a high level of professionalism also.
Well done to the candidates and teaching staff excellent work.
CIBTAC Level 4 Diploma in Salon Management (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sarah Martin (Nov, 2015)
All candidates portfolios submitted were extremely well organised and presented professionally.
It was evident that a lot of hard work had been carried out by the candidates and tutors.
The submitted portfolios were very professional.
A high standard of work had been submitted.
Well done to all candidates and tutors it was a pleasure examining at your Centre.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sarah Martin (July, 2015)
Portfolios were presented and organized very well containing some very good work.
Candidates and tutors have worked extremely hard to deliver a high level of teaching and learning.
Well done it was a pleasure reading the portfolios.
CIBTAC Level 3 Certificate in Sales Management (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sarah Martin (July, 2015)
Candidate portfolio submitted very professionally it was clear a lot of effort and hard work had been carried out.
A very organized professional portfolio was submitted.
It was a pleasure to read the work that had been carried out.
Well done keep up the high standard of work.
CIBTAC Level 4 Certificate in Laser and Light Therapy Treatments (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sarah Martin (July, 2015)
A very professional, organized set of portfolios, all photographic evidence very clear and detailed and of a high standard.
A very high standard of professional Laser and Light therapy treatments carried out candidates demonstrated a high level of knowledge with a high level of professionalism also.
Well done to the candidates and the school, very good work.
CIBTAC Level 4 Diploma in Salon Management (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sarah Martin (July, 2015)
Portfolios were extremely well organized and presented it was evident a lot of hard work has been carried out and a high level of teaching and learning had taken place.
Well done to candidates and staff for your commitment to maintaining high standards.
PEARSON BTEC Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (QCF)
PEARSON BTEC Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Julie Coombes(March, 2015)
The Centre prepares well for the Standards Verification visit by making available all tracking information, policies and procedures and minutes of meetings.
Communication with the Standards Verifier takes place on a regular basis so as to confirm any significant changes and to notify achievements or queries on the specification.
The Centre continues to operate a successful business within the ‘beauty’ market in Hong Kong. This provides practical experiences for the students on the Education and Training programmes in addition to their own work-place experiences. Practical experience is the backbone to the success of the qualifications in Education and Training.
The level 3 and level 4 programmes are run and managed by the Assessor who is Head of the Centre and the Internal Verifier who is a senior member of staff of the Beauty business and also the Internal Verifier of the programmes reviewed. Time allocation and resources are therefore accessible and managed carefully by the staff members. Contingency plans are available for additional staff should this be necessary.
Systems are in place to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the qualification delivery and assessment via the feedback from the students and via the staff who run and manage the programme. The Centre is highly regarded in Hong Kong as one that offers high quality training and service.
Policies and procedures were available and had been updated. This is a documented annual task by the Centre team. This current year the plagiarism policy has been brought into effect and successfully interpreted and used.
The Centre is commended for the rigour that was applied to the plagiarism issue. It was immediately identified and actioned according to policy and procedures.
To this effect the Assessor devotes much individual time in supporting the students. This successful support is the immediate response of the students when interviewed. They are overwhelmed by the support available at individual level and are grateful for the understanding of individual needs.
The Centre is recruiting with integrity and is aware of the individual needs of each learner.
The Student Handbook is updated annually and continues to be appropriate for the programmes offered.
As discussed the Centre has a suitable staff to student ratio and a suitable quantity of contingency staff available should this be necessary.
The environment for formal teaching and assessment is high quality in rooming/light and resourcing. Students also benefit from the Head of Centre utilising her own business for additional student training and support as well as observed practice.
The Centre continues to review previous programmes and to adapt assessment methods accordingly. These programme continues to rely on observations, presentations, reflective practice, demonstrations and teaching sessions. High quality documentation of evidence is continually seen. In all cases learning closely links to the assessment criteria.
Feedback is detailed and provides support for good work as well as developmental advice when work needs further detail. The Centre is rigorous in applying criteria achievement and the new L4 programme has been a challenge with changed assessments using holistic approaches to evidence collection.
Verification practice continues to be sound with detailed feedback on the assignment briefs and the learner work. Audit trails confirmed the accuracy of management of the IV systems and practice. All matrices performed well and were made available for the audit.
It has been particularly important to IV the assignment briefs as these are holistic and reflect the new specifications. This has been well carried out.
The candidate was part of the group of students interviewed by the Standards Verifier. It was clear that she felt supported and that her learning plan was totally appropriate to her individual career needs. The candidate enjoyed working with others and being part of a group activity.
The candidate evidence is based around a scenario whereby her employer will offer a skin care professional course divided into four modules; skin analysis; face, neck and shoulder massage; face masks; make up. This will be at a technical level.
The candidate evidence demonstrates an understanding of the role and responsibilities of a teacher in education and training and a clear understanding of the different professionals in education and training. This evidence is backed against understanding of legislation and regulatory requirements as well as codes of practice.
Good written feedback to the candidate and clear internal verification procedures.
PEARSON BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Hair and Beauty Management (QCF)
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Sheila Minchin (March, 2015)
The standard of student’s practical skills and underpinning knowledge in the treatment of Laser and Light Skin Rejuvenation are very good.
The centre has all of the above policies and procedures in place. Students are informed of the most relevant policies and procedures through their handbook and have access on request to others.
The Centre is very responsive to update policies and procedures when required.
Communication with the centre is good and very responsive to all the Standard Verifier’s requests ensuring a well organised visit.
The administration of the programme is well organised.
The senior management closely monitor the quality and effectiveness of this programme. The manager of this centre is very involved with the delivery of this programme she sets, and has, high expectations of her staff which ensures quality is maintained. The centre has good access to resources to meet the needs of learners on this programme.
The centre provides HND learners with a good quality handbook which contains an extensive range of information to support them in their programme in addition to all of the unit criteria and content information.
If required, the students have good access to individual support.
Staff are appropriately qualified to deliver this qualification, however they would benefit from attending more continuous professional development events.
Learners have access to satisfactory facilities, resources and equipment fully meeting the needs of the learners and the qualification.
Delivery and assessment methods are highly appropriate meeting learners’ and qualification needs.
Most of the units have more than one assignment brief/task, appropriately clustering the criteria so that students can produce the evidence in a logical sequence. Students are given adequate time to complete the assignments. The centre carefully plans the issue and submission dates of each unit to avoid overburdening students at any one time. Each assignment brief clearly describes what the student has to do to achieve a merit and a distinction at HND level.
All assignment briefs are fit for purpose. The assignment briefs list all of the relevant learning outcomes and the accurate criteria along with all of the required qualification, unit and assessor information. Many of the briefs contain a good scenario which helps the learners to put the assignment into a relevant local context.
All learners are required to sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own.
All assessments decisions are accurate, fair and consistent. Assessor feedback on assessed work is detailed giving helpful guidance to learners on how they can improve their assignments to either successfully resubmit their work or to help them with future assignments.
The provided signed and dated internal verification reports demonstrate that each assessment brief has been internally verified prior to issue with appropriate actions given and completed.
All of the provided samples have been internally verified. The centre has adopted Edexcel IV documentation to ensure all areas are appropriately focused upon. The provided signed and dated IV reports demonstrate that this process takes place soon after assessment. The internal verifier has accurately agreed with the assessor’s decisions.
All Internal Verifier’s feedback is supportive, clearly identifying assessor’s good practice and where appropriate recommendations for future improvement.
This assignment has been accurately assessed as fully meeting the distinction criteria. The Assessor’s feedback to the student is detailed, clearly reporting what the student has done well and what they could do in the future to improve assignments. The learner has provided sufficient evidence demonstrating depth of understanding and an extensive range of research to fully meet all of the criteria to achieve a distinction at the Higher National level.
This assignment has been accurately assessed as fully meeting the distinction criteria. The learner has provided extensive evidence demonstrating good critical thinking skills to fully meet all of the required criteria to achieve a distinction at the Higher National level.
Observation of practical application of Laser Light in Skin Rejuvenation treatment.
The learner demonstrated a professional treatment. The learner completed a very detailed consultation fully completing all of the required skin and sensitivity tests. Good attention explaining to the client each step of the treatment followed by detailed aftercare advice. Very good attention paid to sterilization and health and safety throughout the treatment. Good demonstration of underpinning knowledge answering questions on the treatment.
This assignment has been accurately assessed as fully meeting the distinction criteria. The learner has provided a good depth of discussion demonstrating depth of understanding and an extensive range of research to fully meet all of the criteria to achieve a distinction at the Higher National level. The Assessor feedback to the student is detailed, clearly reporting what the student has done well and what could be done in the future to improve assignments.
This learner has provided evidence to demonstrate high levels of competence in employability skills, providing evidence of identifying and taking responsibility for own performance, demonstrating good interpersonal and transferable skills enhancing the dynamics of working with others and the development of critical thinking and problem solving skills, fully meeting the distinction criteria
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sharon Preston (Jan, 2015)
Assignment are in Chinese but during observation and after a detailed discussion with school portfolios demonstrate a high level of reflective learner, reflective and critical thinking.
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in Work Environment (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sharon Preston (Jan, 2015)
All portfolios are in Chinese however after through discussion with school and a detailed explanation of portfolio contents it was clear all candidates have are taught to a high level of learning.
Well done to the school for maintaining high standards of teaching and learning.
CIBTAC Level 2 Diploma in Beauty Therapy Services (QCF) &
CIBTAC Level 3 Award in Facial Electrical Treatments (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sharon Preston (Jan, 2015)
Well presented portfolios. Detailed with good images included.
A very good examination by most candidates
Overall a very good demonstration of skills and knowledge.
Well done to all that passed.
CIBTAC Level 4 Certificate in Laser and Light Therapy Treatments (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sharon Preston (Jan, 2015)
Detailed and clearly portfolios. Photographic evidence in all area.
An extremely high standard of teaching and learning observed.
A detailed understanding of Laser and IPL was demonstrated by all candidates.
Well done to the school and well done to all candidates
CIBTAC Level 4 Diploma in Salon Management (QCF)
Comments from CIBTAC Examiner, Sharon Preston (Jan, 2015)
Portfolios are in Chinese, after detailed discuss with school it was clear candidates are taught to a high standard and portfolios demonstrate a high level of leaning.
Well done to the school for maintaining high standards.
PEARSON BTEC Level 4 Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector
PEARSON BTEC Level 3 Award in Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Julie Coombes (March, 2014)
Communication with the Centre has always been good with e-mail questions quickly responded to and queries dealt with.
Administration is well carried out with a clear understanding as to how portfolio unit achievement is tracked, recorded and kept for the statutory amount of time.
Materials required for standards verification are all made available and are auditable.
The time allocated and the resources required are considered adequate for the qualifications delivered, as confirmed by candidates and staff.
The systems in place to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the qualification delivery and assessment staff are via reflective practice from the candidates at the end of each unit and from candidate feedback at the end of the programme. This feedback is captured in hard copy format and taken seriously. The feedback is used to continually review and meet the needs of the candidates in the quest to improve standards.
The Centre has in place the required policies and procedures and these are regularly updated. Update notes are clearly signposted in the files and dated accordingly. All policies and procedures meet Awarding Body requirements.
All prospective candidates following successful interview are registered onto the programmes. Certification follows completion of the programme and the attainment of a pass standard as confirmed at the Awarding Meeting which is recorded.
The Centre recruits with integrity by making sure that prospective candidates have the necessary experience and work placement and are able to access the rigour and requirements of the assessment practice and written assignment work.
A detailed handbook is provided and interviews with candidates confirmed their satisfaction with the information given in the handbook. There is a clear programme specification available.
The current staffing of the programmes is sufficient to manage the quality provision at the Centre. Staff are appropriately qualified to deliver and manage the programmes.
Physical resources are appropriate for the qualifications delivered and candidates confirm their satisfaction with the provision.
ICT resources are well managed.
Candidates speak highly of the variety of teaching approaches.
An appropriate range of assessment methods are used such as report writing, reviews, reflective practice, presentations, demonstrations, micro-teaching, role-play, mentoring.
Within the current assessment methods, appropriate language is used and there is clear linkage to the assessment criteria.
Feedback continues to be high quality and supportive, acknowledging good work and explaining why candidates have been successful in meeting outcomes and criteria. Feedback is given at the formative stages and at the summative completion of the units. Students are very happy with the feedback given and recognise its usefulness in linking to the unit requirements.
The Centre Internal Verifier understands the importance of verification of the assignment briefs and the current application to run new specifications is ensuring that this standard continues to take place.
Evidence was seen of sound sampling of assessment decisions with a clear matrix structure for verification practice that covers all assessors, all units and each candidate.
Records of verification were made fully available for audit purposes.
The learner has produced a range of work comprising reports, reflective practice, training materials, micro-teaching presentations (recorded) and session plans. These assessments have been assessed against the standards for the Unit and confirm accurate assessment of achievement of the criteria listed.
Learner evidence of reports, reviews, case studies, training materials, microteaching, session plans and reflection on practice have provided the evidence required to achieve the unit as identified by the assessor. Summative feedback has been given.
The assessor has accurately assessed the learner work by annotating achievement of the criteria from the learner evidence produced via microteaching, schemes of work, session plans and reflection. Summative feedback confirms accuracy of assessment.
PEARSON BTEC Level 4 Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector
PEARSON BTEC Level 3 Award in Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Julie Coombes (July, 2013)
The Centre is supported by an efficient personable administrator who is able to immediately access any requirements. Communication with the Centre was good and all materials requested for standards verification were available and auditable. This made for a straight forward verification visit.
The Centre had available hard copy format of policies and procedures that meet the Awarding Body requirements. Checking with staff and pupils confirmed the active use of policies and procedures to drive the success of the qualifications.
The Centre is adequately staffed for the number of learners taking the programmes within the sector of hair and beauty. It is clear to see that there is a sufficient number of staff to ensure accurate assessment and continual maintenance of standards.
For the two programmes sampled the design and nature of the assessment instruments allow the learners to produce appropriate evidence to meet the criteria identified. This will lead to valid assessment outcomes at the correct level. Materials have been written using appropriate language and are vocationally related to the sector identified.
From the evidence available it is clear to see that the grading is accurate and consistent across all learners. Feedback to learners is annotated on the learner work in appropriate places. This feedback recognises good achievement and gives support where additional evidence is required. There is good evidence of feedback recognising the needs of learners at the time of assessment.
The individual nature of the evidence requirements help to ensure that plagiarism does not occur. There has been one occasion whereby the malpractice procedures have had to be put to use. This has been fully documented.
Evidence was available to confirm internal verification of assessment instruments and internal verification of assessment decisions. A significant amount of time was spent with the Internal Verifier discussing the move from 100% sampling to a sustainable level of internal verification. The Centre will move to risk rating assessors and sampling all units; all learners; all assessors on a rolling basis but cutting down on the current model of verification of all work.
Learners are provided with detailed programme information that reflects the importance of underpinning policies and procedures and support where necessary.
Staff are highly experienced and working within the vocational sector that is used to base Teaching and Learning requirements. Physical resources are attractive, suitable and sufficient to allow learners to progress satisfactorily.
Tutorial and pastoral support is of high quality as confirmed via interviews with learners. Learners confirmed the opportunity to give feedback on their programmes. Of particular value are the pointers to where to access additional information to support unit completion and unit evidence development. Up to date website direction is clearly given against each unit. Discussion with learners confirmed their satisfaction with the assessment process and the quality of staff delivering the programme.
PEARSON BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Hair and Beauty Management (QCF)
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Sheila Minchin (June, 2012)
The standard of the learner assignments are good. They are all well presented and clearly demonstrate depth of research and understanding of the topic.
This centre is very well organised and keen to ensure the standards remain high. The information they provide to their learners on the programme is to a high quality. Their record keeping is robust and accurate.
The centre provides each learner with a good quality assignment brief pack for each unit which contains extensive information on the unit, a detailed scenario setting the scene for the learners; a range of reading resources and websites to aid the learners’ research; and full details of the criteria and the content.
All assignment briefs are well constructed and clearly presented providing all the required information to allow the learners to demonstrate their knowledge and provide the evidence to meet the pass criteria at the required HND level. All briefs contain accurate programme and unit information, issue and submission dates. All briefs have been internally verified prior to issue with the appropriate IV document completed signed and dated.
All assignments have been accurately and consistently assessed. The assessor has given positive, supportive feedback throughout the assignment and on the summary feedback form. The learners have the opportunity to improve their grade which one learner clearly takes advantage of.
Detailed records of assessment outcomes are maintained by the centre.
There is a clear assignment plan in place. The plans indicate that the assignments are appropriately spaced to ensure the learners are not overburdened at any one period.
Very clear, detailed records of assessment outcomes both by unit and summary of assessment grades.
The internal verifier feedback to the assessor is supportive.
Each learner receives written feedback, which is clearly documented. Learners also have the opportunity to write their comments
The centre provides each learner with a good quality information package, which includes information on the programme and all of the centre’s policies and procedures on equal opportunity, plagiarism and appeals procedures
Assignments are assessed and returned quickly. The assessor feedback is supportive and details what the learner has done well with some guidance on improvement.
CV’s were readily available to view. All staff are highly qualified and experienced to teach and assess on this programme. Evidence provided demonstrated that staff do undertake regular CPD.
The assignment has been accurately and fairly assessed. The assignment clearly demonstrates the learner’s knowledge and understanding of the Quality Management of Client Care in the Hair & Beauty Sector. The assessor’s feedback is extensive and supportive.
The assessor has provided very detailed feedback on what the learner has done well and good encouragement to improve.
The assignments are very detailed clearly providing the required evidence to meeting the criteria at the required HND level. The learner who achieved a distinction demonstrated significant additional depth of understanding meeting the pass, merit and distinction criteria
PEARSON BTEC Level 4 Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector
PEARSON BTEC Level 3 Award in Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Sue Wood (June, 2012)
Assessment is checked before certification is applied for.
Internal verification is thorough.
There are good resources for the programmes – both practical and academic.
The internal verification of assessment decisions could be reduced as confidence in the programme and the assessors grows.
The assignment briefs for both courses are detailed and vocationally appropriate.
They are closely related to the assessment criteria and will enable the students to produce sufficient valid evidence to achieve the units at the right level. Suitable teaching practice is available.
The assessment is accurate and clearly recorded.
Internal verification is well planned and recorded.
The assessment was planned in advance and the students were informed.
The assessment outcomes were clearly recorded and checked.
Internal verification was clearly planned and recorded.
There was detailed feedback to the students on their progress and areas for improvement.
The students felt they understood the programme and there was a very useful handbook. They said that the feedback was very helpful and constructive. The students said they could always contact the staff by e-mail or by phone and they were supportive. They thought the staff had experience and expertise and the teaching was good. There were plenty of resources for the programme both for practical work and to research teaching.
Both courses are well organised and the documentation very well presented.
Communication with the centre was good and all the material for standards verification was available.
The student’s work is very well presented and comprehensive and shows that they have achieved the learning objectives for these unit. The teaching practice and lesson observation is well documented.
Assessment is fair and consistent. Feedback is detailed and against the individual assessment criteria.
Some very detailed work and good analysis which shows that the student has achieved the learning objectives for this unit. Clear well-documented evidence of teaching practice and lesson observation.
The brief and the assessment decision have been internally verified.
Clear and well organised portfolio of work which shows that the student has achieved the learning objectives for the unit. There was well presented evidence of the micro teaching and assessment.
Some good work which demonstrates that the student has achieved the assessment criteria for the unit at an appropriate level.
Some good student work which demonstrates that they have achieved the assessment requirements for the unit including the micro teaching.
PEARSON BTEC Level 4 Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector
PEARSON BTEC Level 4 Award in Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
PEARSON BTEC Level 3 Award in Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Comments from BTEC Examiner, Sue Wood (Feb, 2012)
To work towards doing the Diploma.
Records for student registration and certification are kept accurately and securely.
Assessment is clearly recorded and fair and consistent.
Policies on access to assessment and equality of opportunity are specified in the student handbook given to the students at the beginning of the course.
There is a well defined system of internal verification which is very thorough and well documented.
There are good practical resources available at the centre. The students have access to local libraries and are given guidance on internet sites and government resources.
There are good clear assignment briefs which relate closely to the assessment criteria which were available in both English and Chinese.
They are specific in what is required to enable the students to provide sufficient valid evidence.
The briefs help to give reliable assessment decisions across the assessors.
The assignment briefs reflect the level of the qualification.
Assessment decisions are fair and consistent
They are clearly recorded.
Internal verification is thorough and well documented for both assignment briefs and assessment decisions.
This centre is very well organised and records are kept in both English and Chinese.
Assessment is well planned with the students given good and timely information on deadlines.
The assessment is clearly and accurately recorded.
Learner achievements are recorded clearly and accurately.
The records of internal verification of the assignment briefs and the assessment decisions are clear and easy to find.
There is detailed feedback given to the students, both formative and summative, and both on their work and verbally.
There is a good student handbook given to the students at the beginning of the course.
Detailed feedback is given to the students on all their work throughout their course.
The students said that they felt the staff were approachable and helpful and that they could be contacted by phone or e-mail with any queries.
The students felt that the staff had appropriate expertise and experience.
There is a wide variety of physical resources available at the centre. There are also useful local government resources that are available including local libraries.
Students can receive pastoral support if required.
Students have two opportunities to give feedback during their course.
This is a very well organised centre with high standards.
Communication with the centre is good and all the material needed was provided. Student work was well organised and presented.
Some very thorough work which is well presented using a wide variety of examples and methods at an appropriate level.
A well presented portfolio that is at an appropriate level.
Well presented work which demonstrates that the student has achieved the learning objectives at the appropriate level.
Some well prepared micro teaching with useful evaluation.
The student has demonstrated that they have achieved the learning objectives and criteria at an appropriate level.
A well presented portfolio that covers the learning objectives and criteria.
PEARSON BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Hair and Beauty Management (QCF)
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Sheila Minchin (Feb, 2012)
All assignments have been accurately and fairly assessed. The assessor feedback is supportive detailing what the learner has done well.
Very detailed records of assessment outcomes are maintained by the centre.
Clear evidence of assessment planning informing the learners when they need to hand in the assignments for each unit.
Very clear, detailed records of assessment outcomes both by unit and summary of assessment grades.
Written feedback is clearly documented. Learners have the opportunity to write their comments.
Each learner is issued with very good quality informative assessment packs for each unit, providing the learners with extensive information to support them in their assignments. This includes the full criteria and content of each unit. A detailed scenario to set the assignment in an appropriate industry setting and extensive reference reading and websites to aid the learner’s research.
Assignments are assessed and returned quickly. The assessor feedback details what the learner has done well.
CV’s were readily available to view. All staff are highly qualified and experienced to teach and assess on this programme.
The centre has suitable resources to meet the needs of learners on this programme. The centre has chosen the units which they are confident they have the resources to provide.
The centre is exceptionally well organised. The centre is well experienced in delivering other BTEC programmes, which is clearly reflected in the extensive detailed records which are in place. The assignments viewed during this visit are in the main of a good standard.
The assignments are all accurately and fairly assessed. Feedback clearly informs what the learner has done well.
PEARSON BTEC Level 5 HND Beauty Therapy Sciences (QCF)
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Michael Billany (Jan, 2011)
There is a comprehensive staff appraisal system consisting of a self-appraisal form, instructor appraisal by a senior member of staff and a detailed student feedback questionnaire.
There is an appropriate staff development programme in place allowing staff to update their educational and specific subject knowledge and skills. All staff have attended the BTEC initial training sessions.
The teaching facilities are adequate for the anticipated numbers of students on the course. The seminar room can be quickly converted to a salon environment with suitable couches, lighting and equipment and cosmetic products.
Resources appear to be adequate for the effective administration of the course including student registrations.
Centre has in place and is implementing appropriate policies concerning access to assessment.
Sufficient suitable staff are available. Staff development is in place and regularly available.
Centre is able to administer programmes and register student registrations effectively.
Assessments are specifically linked to each unit, details of which are provided for the students. The tasks set closely match the learning outcomes stated.
Discussions with students indicate that they understand the importance of deadlines for the submission of their work and sufficient guidance is given to them on the assessment methods used.
The internal verification protocols used are well documented with an effective system of arbitration in place in the event of any disagreements between internal verifier and assessor
Centre has made valid assessment decisions based on the quality of student work and the unit specifications.
Centre has provided assessment consistently and fairly across all students.
Centre has provided clear and detailed feedback to students.
Assessor decisions have been subject to internal verification to ensure standardisation and the rectification of any invalid decisions by assessors.
Assessment and review meetings are held and have been properly conducted.
The assessment processes are linked to the stated learning outcomes for each unit sampled and the assessment criteria for Pass are fairly and consistently applied. The level is appropriate to Higher National courses in related subject areas and for this mode of study.
Feedback to students is clear and formative, giving praise where due and providing additional advice for further improvement. Students indicate that they are very satisfied with the feedback provided and are also encouraged to approach staff for any clarifications needed.
The staff member responsible for the internal verification of assignment briefs is also responsible for marked student work and the quality of learner feedback provided. The internal verification protocols are well documented and the sampling procedures used are valid.
The level is appropriate to Higher National courses in related subject areas and for this mode of study.
All assessment materials and marked scripts were made available to me on my arrival and excellent translation facilities provided. I was pleased to have the opportunity to speak with the students on the course.
Communications prior to the visit, administrative arrangements during the day and the hospitality provided were excellent.
PEARSON BTEC Level 4 Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector
PEARSON BTEC Level 3 Award in Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Sue Wood (June, 2011)
A very well organised and presented course.
The assignments have clear and accurate unit and programme titles.
Clear guidance is given to the students on how to complete the assessments.
The assignments give the students good opportunities to fulfil the unit requirements.
Internal verification of the assignment briefs has been done, feedback given to the assessor and signed off
The assessors have made valid decision based on the quality of the students’ work and the course requirements.
Assessment is fair and consistent across all the students.
The feedback to the students is detailed and helpful.
Assessment has been internally verified.
Assessment meetings have been held and records of the students’ final achievement are signed and dated.
Some very thorough work from the students which is clear and well-presented. There is detailed feedback from the assessor. The assessment decisions have been internally verified.
The assignment briefs are integrated. All the assessment criteria have been fully mapped against the assignments which are bilingual. There is an assessment plan and the deadlines are valid.
The students have produced written work and analysis. There is some very good, well-presented work. There is detailed feedback given to the students. The assessment has been internally verified.
PEARSON BTEC Level 4 Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector
PEARSON BTEC Level 4 Award in Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
PEARSON BTEC Level 3 Award in Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Sue Wood (Feb, 2011)
Excellent electronic systems for tracking learner progress.
The centre operates a robust review after the delivery and assessment of each unit to improve the learner experience as well as an Academic Board to agree final unit grade.
Extensive feedback to support improvement and progression.
Communication with the centre was excellent, relevant information provided prior to the visit enabling an appropriate sample to be requested.
All material needed available in order to carry out standards verification efficiently.
The Senior Management team are directly involved in the operational activity of the programme; assessing and internally verifying as well as strategic management.
Robust system of course evaluation at the end of each unit delivery. This comprises of a learner survey and course review by the delivery team.
The centre has all the required policies in place and available for scrutiny.
Relevant policies are included in the Staff handbook, including; Health and Safety, Malpractice including Plagiarism and Academic integrity, Fair Access and Equal Opportunity, Learner Support/Reasonable., Adjustments and an Appeals policy.
Likewise appropriate policies are included in the Learner handbook.
Learners are interviewed to ensure they can commit to the academic rigours of the programme. Learners are encouraged to secure a work placement opportunity in order to develop both their practical Beauty Therapy and Management skills.
Assignments are linked where possible to the learners’ own real work environment.
Learners are provided with a suitable Handbook during induction which includes; Programme specification, units to be studied, contextualisation of merit and distinction criteria, calculation of grades, Assessment policy, Malpractice and Appeals policy.
The centre has an appropriate number of staff to deliver and assess the programme. Staff CV’s indicate the staff are qualified to deliver the programme with suitable industrial experience.
Learners have access to a large Beauty Therapy practical salon with sufficient equipment to meet current industry standards the requirements of the qualification.
Both delivery and assessment methods are entirely appropriate with many assignments linked directly to learners own experiences in their own salons or work placements.
All learners feel very well supported, the assignments are well explained, they have sufficient time to complete and are clear and focussed with regard to higher grade targets and attainment possibilities. The work is assessed and marked promptly and constructive, detailed feedback is provided generally within 2 weeks.
Assessment decisions are correct, with the Assessor giving very detailed and constructive feedback, carefully linked to the Assessment criteria and Learning outcomes. Learners are clear with what is necessary to improve a submission if they should so wish.
The planning of the internal verification of the briefs is timely and the Internal Verifier has provided suitable feedback and guidance. All actions and modifications are made to the brief before issue to the learners.
All learner work is internally verified promptly after assessment takes place, this is generally within 2 weeks of submission by the learner. The Internal Verifier has accurately agreed the assessment decision made by the Assessor.
The centre operates an Academic Board where the assessment decisions are checked and second marked at the end of each unit before final grades are agreed.
PEARSON BTEC Level 4 Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector
PEARSON BTEC Level 3 Award in Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Comments from BTEC Standard Verifier, Sue Wood (June, 2010)
This course is very well planned and organised with good, well presented portfolios.
There is a very good internal verification system in which the planning and records are well organised.
The assessor and internal verifier are keen to enhance and improve the course.
The tutor and internal verifier are well qualified teachers and trainers with overseas qualifications.
The assignment briefs are vocationally relevant and in an appropriate style.
The assignment briefs have clear unit and programme details.
The course is well planned and there is clear guidance for the students on how to undertake the assessment.
The assignment briefs identify the criteria against the tasks and enable the students to achieve the course requirements.
Internal verification of the assignment briefs has been undertaken and recorded.
Feedback was given to the assessor with suggestions for improvement and these were carried out.
The portfolios of all the students who had completed were available to the External Verifier. They were well organised.
The centre has made valid decisions based on the course specifications and the quality of the student work.
From the student portfolios the assessment is fair and consistent and the students felt that the assessor had been fair and consistent.
The assignment brief is bilingual. It is clearly related to the criteria and provides helpful guidance for the student. The internal verifier made several suggestions to improve the assignment which were recorded and carried out.
The students’ portfolio which is in Cantonese is comprehensive and there is constructive feedback on how to improve. The assessment has been internally verified and the records are completed.
The assignment briefs are bilingual and are integrated and there is an assessment map to ensure that all the criteria are covered. The briefs have been internally verified and records kept of feedback to the assessor and any changes that were made.
The student portfolios which are in Cantonese are well organised. There is constructive feedback from the assessor to the students. The students’ work has been checked by the internal verifier and the records filed.