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CIBTAC Level 4 Award in Microneedling Treatments
英國 CIBTAC 微針護理(四級)資格課程





CIBTAC Level 4 Award in Microneedling Treatments
(Ofqual Regulated) Qualification Number: 603/5252/8
英國 CIBTAC 微針護理(四級)資格課程

課程由英國 Ofqual 考試資格辦公室核准開辦、國際權威認證、質素保證


CIBTAC 4 級微針護理是一項實用且以知識為基礎的資格。 對象合適於持有3級美容資格已經從事微針護理工作並希望將其正規專業化的學員,成為專門從事微針護理的美容治療師。


CIBTAC 4 級微針護理資格的知識及實踐將使學員能夠:








Recognition 認可


Course Structure 課程結構

課程由 1 個單元組成。 課程以面授形成進行。

Course Syllabus 課程綱要 

 PA150 Provide microneedling treatments 提供微針護理

Entry Requirements 入學要求

- 年滿 18歲或以上 及

- 中五或同等或以上學歷 及

- 能書寫中文 及

- CIBTAC 要求學員必需持有 2 級美容資格及3級解剖生理學資格同等資格,例如

英國 CIBTAC 美容護理實踐原理(三級)證書

  英國 ITEC 專業美容二級證書

英國 CIBTAC/ITEC 解剖學、生理學和病理學三級證書

- 擁有微針護理操作經驗

CIBTAC Examination  CIBTAC 考試

理論筆試:1 小時 15 分鐘 (多項選擇題 50 條題目)

實習考試:2 小時 05 分鐘

Case Studies: (Treatment Evidence) 個案研習:(治療證據)

- 10 個淺表層微針治療個案。

Grading 等級

合格 60%-74%

優良 75%-84%

卓越 85%-100%

Graduation Requirements 畢業要求

- 必須達到 80% 的出席率。

- 必須在考試前的指定日期前完成並遞交所有習作。

- 必須在所有理論和實習考試中,至少獲得總分 60% 分數或以上。

Students who successfully complete the examination will be awarded with the

CIBTAC Level 4 Award in Microneedling Treatments

by The Confederation of International Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology, UK.


英國 CIBTAC 微針治療(四級)資格

課程總費用 HK$22,000.- 

學費   HK$16,800.- 包課堂講義,學習及考核工具

考試費   HK$5,200.-

**舊生會員可享有 8折學費優惠

非會員 HK$16,800.-

舊生會員 HK$13,440.- **(曾於本學院修讀並完成任何 CIBTAC/ ITEC/ BTEC 課程之學員)

開課日期     1 月 8 日 (逢星期一)

上課時間      1:00pm - 4:00pm

CIBTAC 課程大綱英語版供參考 (Ofqual Regaulated 課程受英國考試資格規管辦公室監管)

CIBTAC Level 4 Award in Microneedling Treatments

Provide microneedling treatments

LO1: Know the health and safety and professional practice requirements for providing microneedling treatments

- The health and safety working practices for carrying out microneedling treatments

- The hazards and risks associated with the delivery of microneedling treatments and how these can be minimised

- The correct approach to the cooling off period

- The essential guidelines for professional practice when providing microneedling treatments

- The necessary environmental conditions for providing microneedling treatments

- The correct procedure for microneedle storage

- The correct procedure for disposal of microneedles and associated treatment waste

- How to assess skin types, conditions and characteristics

- The specific health and safety requirements relevant to different types of microneedling devices

- The different consultation techniques used to identify treatment objectives

- The contraindications that prevent or restrict microneedling treatments

- The contra-actions that may occur during and following treatments

- The requirements for preparing themselves, the Client and work area

- The procedure for microneedling treatments

- The aftercare advice that should be provided to prevent post-treatment damage

- The key active ingredients in cosmeceutical products in order to provide advice to clients

- Cosmeceutical product ranges available to the non-medical aesthetic clinic and consumer


LO2: Know and understand the structure and function of skin and how it can affect microneedling treatments

- The structure and function of the cell and tissues

- The structure and function of the skin

- The development, structure, histology and function of the epidermis

- The development, structure, histology and function of the dermis

- The structure and function of the dermal appendages

- The diseases and disorders of the skin

- The physiological changes associated with skin ageing

- The signs and symptoms of an ageing skin

- The intrinsic and extrinsic environmental effects on the skin which contribute to the ageing process

- How ageing affects the skin healing response and skin regenerative treatments

- Wound healing as it relates to the skin


LO3: Know and understand the systems of the body, their interdependence on each other and how they can affect microneedling treatments

- The structure and functions of the skeletal system

- The structure and function of the muscular system

- The structure and function of the lymphatic system

- The structure and functions of the cardio-vascular system

- The structure and functions of the nervous system

- The structure and functions of the endocrine system

- The structure and functions of the respiratory system

- The structure and function of the Urinary system

- The structure and function of the digestive system

- The interdependence of the body systems


LO4: Know the history and science of microneedling treatments

- The history of microneedling

- The products and equipment required for microneedling treatment

- The effects, benefits and limitations of microneedling treatments

- The implications of topical or local anaesthetic use by the non-medical aesthetic practitioner

- The types of microneedling devices


LO5: Be able to consult and prepare for microneedling treatments

LO6: Be able to provide microneedling treatments

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